Re: Things are not okay.

To anyone reading my threads,

Yes, I probably sound suicidal.

That's because I am often suicidal. 

Yes, I do want to be dead.

I think about it a lot.

More than I lot.

I am however, very unlikely to carry this out. 

I cannot disclose my suicidality to any member of my treatment team as I would be locked up if I did. I refuse to be admitted to hospital ever again. 
So I bitch and moan and dream for death, but rest assured, I am not likely to be carrying it out. 

Re: Things are not okay.

Hi @Velociraptor ....

Not applicable

Re: Things are not okay.

Hi @Velociraptor 

Thanks for posting to let us know that you're okay. I'm really sorry that you perceived the email that you received to be impersonal or inappropriate. It's super-important to us that the forums feel like a safe and welcoming space for community members so I am glad that you have shared your thoughts about this with us. Feedback helps us all to improve!


The SANE Forums is operated within a Duty of Care framework which means that it is part of our job to connect members to professional supports if it appears that might be necessay. Of course, you do not have to follow through with suggestions that are made to you.

As you say Velociraptor, the Forum is full of beautifully supportive and helpful individuals and the forums team would like you to feel comfortable here. If you would like to discuss this further with a member of the team I encourage you to send an email to You might choose to address it to the Community Managers.

Take care.


Re: Things are not okay.

I hear your pain @Velociraptor  (cool name by the way).

So much my thoughts in your post.....................all I can say is hang in there and take each second at a time............blessings to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.



Re: Things are not okay.

Thank you @Former-Member, that was a really lovely response. 
Can we make a deal?

I promise won't hurt myself while on, or in the temporal proximity of using the forums, and no one emails me to call lifeline when I post about how I want to be dead?

(I'm semi-joking, semi-serious btw)

Re: Things are not okay.

Thank you @Scarecrowe
It helps when I know other people have felt the same as me. Gives me some hope.

Re: Things are not okay.

You’re a very cool dinosaur @Velociraptor  ..... 🦕x🦖 (can’t find an emoji that looks right) 


@Scarecrowe hi 👋

Re: Things are not okay.

Incidentally, I may not have been. Velociraptors were thought to be semi-warm blooded. Similar to some flightless birds.

Re: Things are not okay.

I can assure you @Velociraptor  thoughts like this have plagued me on and off for a few decades now.   But like you I would not do father took his own life when I was 24 and knowing what we all went through at the time (and how much I miss him dearly every second of every day) I would not do that to my loved ones (especially my sister's three gorgeous children).


We are all here for you whenever you need support.....................xxxxxx

Re: Things are not okay.

Blessings to you @Faith-and-Hope 

