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Something’s not right

Re: Things are not okay.

@Velociraptor   Lol, very clever response......


A few years ago I had my picture taken with the velociraptor from Jurassic Park at Universal Studios Hollywood.................was extremely life like and a bit scary I have to admit.  One kid was freaking out bigtime when it walked out lol...

But I can tell that you are a very friendly velociraptor......  🙂

Re: Things are not okay.

Thank you @Scarecrowe ... and to you .... 💕


Heehee @Velociraptor .... and my dinosaur education continues 👍 

Not applicable

Re: Things are not okay.

Hi @Velociraptor,
Humour should not be underrated and can be a useful companion! 
Provided your posts remain within the guidelines – sharing suicidal thoughts on the forums is absolutely okay. If you state clearly that you are safe then forum members and moderators will not be worried about you . If you require further clarification on this issue please do contact the team via email and I am sure that the community managers will do their best to support you on this. 

Re: Things are not okay.

Afternoon @Velociraptor 


Just got home from being at work and town (getting tax done...finally) and wanted to send a hello accompanied with a huge hug and I'm hoping that you are having a good day today.  You have been in my thoughts all day and I send all my blessings to you.



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