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What can I do to help her

Hi. Im not sure what to do for my gorgeouse daughter. She is 12, gifted child with high intelligence and in a advanced learning program in high school. She loves it and is doing an amazing job.

A throughout her life she has been different, reserved, wise beond her years and has had trouble making friends. She never really belonged. She would tell me about these certain 2 voices that speak to her and lived in her brain but I would always put it down to a creative imagination. this has been going on since she was 5 or so.

I developed depression from when she was 7 and it gradually became worse, to the point that I couldnt function and I distanced myself from my family. I also have a son who is 8 and husband.

Over these years I was unable to be there for her but now life is better and Im strong enough to help.

Last year she told me that one of these voices became violent and was able to get into her body. It physically punched her up and she was unable to stop it.

4 months ago these, 2 voices left and 2 new voices have arived. My daughter has changed.

I got her to draw a picture of her mind and discribe these voices/characters.

These new characters are hostile, violent and plot hurting people. There is so much evil in these new charactes.

They are coming out more frequently and she seems to go into traces more often. My daughter wants help and is fearful of what they can acheive when they take over her body.

We have an appointment with a phycologist is 4 weeks but I just dont know what to do in the mean time. Our family is scared. My son has seen these charactes and is scared. 

What can I do besides be there for her to talk to? She had her worst day yesterday and the characters were mentally trying to distroy her. My daughter discribed that they has blinded her in one eye and have knocked her our uncontious. Apparently they have knocked her out before, even for days.

Im trying to be strong and I am doing my best by asking her questions. Am I feeding this even more and doing more harm?





Re: What can I do to help her

Hi @Nay

Welcome to the forums! Its great that you logged on and are asking for support this sounds overwhelming enough without trying to do it all alone. Do you have other people supporting you?

It sounds like you are all dealing with a lot, it can be very confusing not knowing what is happening or what to do. And my heart goes out to your daughter... I only know what you have written but doesnt sound like you are doing her harm, just that you are scared and love her very much...

An appointment with a psychologist is always a good start but not all psychologists work equally well with youth mental health. So I am wondering if it might be worth also contacting an organisation which is youth specific like headspace? - click here They have a 24/7 phone line, they might also be able to help your daughter and your family work through what sort of issues she is facing and help you all create a treatment plan...

I know a lot on people on here are supporting children through mental health issues @PeppiPatty @Rover @Alessandra1992 @parent1 there is also a lot of interesting/helpful info in this thread particularly about voices peer support groups

Does anyone else have any ideas or words of experience that they can share?


Re: What can I do to help her

hello @Nay

How are you?

Just to let you know that you are definately on the right track being here, on Sane Forums.

It might not feel like it to you but Your the most important person in this journey.

My own husband began his journey into suffering times of mental ill health at 5 years old. He was diagnosed at 19 years old. His iq is 150.

My youngest son got the diagnosis for a malignent brain tumour at 2 years years old and for 15 years, it was a very difficult journey but he has completely recovered now.

I have had times of seeking help from mental health agencies in the past.

So can I just write you some notes for you to read and if you like them...maybe you can refer to them in the next few days?


Please call Headspace. Today, tomorrow. 


Plan your days the night before. Like;

8am wake up

9am coffee

10am spend 5 mins with son

It may make you feel more in control.... of your days.

You need to feel that you in control no matter what. I do not feel you are feeding anything to your daughter but you are actually assuring your daughter and her fears. like, you are giving her confidence.

Your doing a great job @Nay

I wish wish that there were more mothers out there who care about the whole family when something like this happen in the family. 

I  wouldnt wish my life on anyore but my children are managaing their own lives well. And there are now positive things happening in my own life.its a day by day thing.


Re: What can I do to help her

Being with her when she is frightened is probably the best thing ... her fear is real and needs your support even if the causes are coming from hallucination.

She is so young and I would get help from headspace GP as soon as possible .. the appointment with psych can still be useful. Good Luck

Re: What can I do to help her

Hi Nay
can I perhaps suggest a trip to your family doctor, or a doctor you trust. Alternatively you could call child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS) and speak to triage about your concerns and observations. As you mentioned she may need intervention sooner than in 4 weeks time! I'm not sure which state you are in, in terms of a direct number but a google search should do it.
Ask her if there is anything that gives her a break from these voices in terms of activities, and use these as a distraction from what she is experiencing for a while.

Re: What can I do to help her

That you for the help and reassurance

Re: What can I do to help her

Thank you. Great advice. I have contacted Headspace. I just feel so helpless.

Re: What can I do to help her

Thank you. I told her that her life doesn't have to be this way,being hurt mentally all the time.
She replies - I can't remember another way. They have been with me all my life and I except it.

It breaks my heart.

Thank you for the help.

Re: What can I do to help her

Thank you. I will look into CAMHS. Im in Melbourne.

Re: What can I do to help her

Dear @Nay

How are you ?

I am going to write what happened with my son who spends times in mental ill health.

He started showing times of......something wrong at 9 years old ...... and he began a 7 year weekly visit to a Psychotherapist. He changed Paychotherapists 3 times until he turned 16. He then decided to go live with my brother.
This is definitely not something I would say is for everyone.... I was single : suffering MI and other son who had medical problems,

But for him ..... At 24 years old ......When he gets ill, he goes to see his GP and usually has a counsellor.

It reads to me that your coming from a strong place with empathy and compassion ..... Something ( I feel and seen real changes ) which will help your family in the long term.

I'm going to be really up front and hope you don't mind :

it really upsets me how sometimes.......little compassion is shown by mothers with children suffering times of mental ill health.
This may also be only on the people I know but ..........
It's painful for the observer to see it. It is always good never to judge but is very easy for you to feel isolated in your journey.

How can you be really compassionate and present for your daughter right now and for the time ahead ...... If it does become stressful ?

These are questions i would personally ask yourself. It feels that you are coming from a much stronger place than I ever did ......
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