Re: What can I do to help her

here'e the link for CAMHS services across the metro

Please think about parentline for yourself, and even kidshelpline for your daughter.
Being heard is truly powerful.

Re: What can I do to help her

Thank you so much for everyones feed back. I have taken it on board.

I suppose I havent thought about myself at this point in time or for the future. Im taking it one day at a time. I have found that my husband and I seem to be closer through this, it seems to be making us stronger as a couple.

After 10 years of severe depression,( I dragged my husband down with me in the process )I feel that I have come out on top, a better person, more understanding, more compassionate and stronger then I ever have been. I am at the best place mentally for my daughter. I will have a look at parentline also.


I have been overcrowding my daughter a little and I can she doesnt like it. My constant questions are annoying her but she has too much respect for me to tell me to go away and is too polite to say so. I have had to back off a little and wait for her to come to me.

In the mean time, Im keeping busy with my work ( Im lucky that I work from home ) and researching your advice.

I have my days where Im very emotional and yesterday the drive to try and fix this was consuming me. It was unrealistic and not helping anyone.

My Children are my life, they come first and I just want to protect them. I am happy that I feel comfortable to be here on this forum.

Be blun't. I won't take any offence to any advice and I take all of your advice as a possitive. Thank you for your replies.

Re: What can I do to help her

In addition to whats already been suggested,do you know your daughters school situation?

Ie;What are her thoughts on the girls at school?

Are they nice to her,are any mean or bully her etc?

What is her general feeling about going to school each day-Ie;does she like it,or does she dread it,does she feel any stress or pressure etc...?

What is her self-esteem/feelings about herself like?

She mentioned the voices knocked her out unconsciously,has she ever had a fall that you know of or is this more delusion based?

Is she willing to communicate with you about this or is she too reserved?

Re: What can I do to help her

Yes. This was the first area I thought of too.

I am very lucky that if I ask her a question, she will answer it to her best ability.

She is in an Selective entry accelerated program at high school and it did cross my mind that it was overloading her.

I asked her about and she loves it. She said that she needs it and enjoys it.

I do know that she has tried to tell some class mates about her voices and they  now kept their distance. This has upset her a little and I think she has withdrawn a little because others dont understand.


Re: What can I do to help her

Did the voices just come on suddenly or was it after a difficult event such as poor social functioing at school?

Do you know if she feels negative thoughts about herself or if her self esteem is good?

Re: What can I do to help her

The voices are always there. From what she has told me, the easiest way to explain it is.

You have a large room with 3 or 4 rooms and your suck in this room with 2 other people. These people are new to you, so you dont know them very well. You cant get out of this area and if you go into a room for quiet time, they are there. You can hear them through the walls talking.

On a good day, she can just hear them wispering and there is no conflict. They interupt her dreams and stop her from sleeping well.

My daughter is a black belt in Karate and is too scared to go back to Karate in the fear that a voice/character will take over and use her skills to hurt someone.

They wisper and guide. Apparently they are very strong and are very intelligent compaired to her previous 2 voices.

She can discribe their appearance and bedroom down to the flecks of colour in the carpet and this never changes.


Re: What can I do to help her

Apparently these voice have been all of her life. She know no other way. She told me that in primary school she would walk around the school by herself but it wasnt lonely because she had her 2 friends in her head.

She has astounded me with her confidence at high school, singing in front of the school. Winning awards and being loved by her teachers and her peers. 

She has connected with a person in her class that has been diagnosed with D.I.D. multable personality.

Im think I might ring the CAMHS triage today.  Im not sure what else to do. 

Re: What can I do to help her

Your daughter sounds like a real credit to you with her hard work and talent and respect.  i am glad she has at least one friend and respect from teachers so there are a lot of things going for her.

You are probably right not to persist with too many questions but it seems as if she has been accepting to share a lot already. Its alot to bear when your precious child is suffering and the solutions are not apparent.

If you have the resources you may decide that private health care is better but at this stage I would just get whatever help is out there and take things one step at a time.

Good Luck Heart

Re: What can I do to help her

thank you. Your words help.

Re: What can I do to help her

Dear @Nay

Isn't @ivana and @Appleblossom clever. I would have never thought about asking those questions about school.
I tend to agree with @Appleblossom. I don't know think private medical is essential but please think about it, I live in Western Australia and am aware of a brilliant private hospital compared to the public hospitals ....... But seem to remember that the only locked wards are in Public.

It brings a Little smile on my face when you write that you haven't thought of yourself. .........
I promise you this : every time you do something for yourself :
Be it in :
Facial once per month
A conversation with a Social Worker
Make an appointment with Arafmi
A regular catch up for a coffee with a friend
Weekly group therapy at a Mental Health Agency
Taking half hour longer to get ready in the morning.

Your family will benefit
Your daughter will feel the pressure off her
Your son will feel more relaxed