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Rare form of ocd?

Hi have anyone heard of this kind of ocd?

I don't identify my ocd with any of the ones commonly listed nor their treatment options, I have ocd similar to contamination ocd, not with avoiding germs/diseases, however is towards avoiding human beings? I am fine with friends though.


Re: Rare form of ocd?

Welcome to the forums @heal ,


It's so good to see you reach out to the community. My name is tyme, a peer support worker.


As much as I'd like to share my insights, I have limited understanding of OCD.


I am eagerly waiting with you for community responses.


In the meanwhile, feel free to have a browse around to some threads which may interest you, including:

1) Daily Achievements! 

2) Hot Chocolate Anyone ? 

3) The Ice-Memery 


See you around,


Re: Rare form of ocd?

Hi and welcome, @heal  - I like your username! It's good to have you here. 


I have OCD (germophobia). Can I ask what you fear from the contamination from other people? It doesn't sound like you fear getting sick...? 


We are not allowed to diagnose here on the forums, but I would be interested to hear what it is you fear. 


Also, do you have any professional mental health support that could help with this diagnosis? 

Not applicable

Re: Rare form of ocd?

Morning @heal and welcome to the forums 😊

OCD is a funny one, my experience living with the condition has seen it morph into a few different presentations, contamination fears being one of them. When I was at my worst and the symptoms and intrusive thoughts really took hold, my mind was throwing all sorts of strange new phobias at me and I felt like I couldn't possibly have OCD, that it must be some other diagnosis that the doctors were missing...they hadn't, it was OCD.

I share my story with you in the hope that it might provide some solace that everyone's journey with OCD is different. I'm also wondering whether you have a professional support to help guide you through this diagnosis?

Happy to answer any questions you may have @heal, and thanks to @NatureLover who is a champ round these parts – so generous with their time and experience, particularly with OCD.

Rhye ☘️

Re: Rare form of ocd?

@Former-Member wrote:

...and thanks to @NatureLover who is a champ round these parts – so generous with their time and experience, particularly with OCD.

Thanks for the kind words, @Former-Member ! ❤️


@heal  and @Former-Member , I'm actually fascinated by OCD, it takes so many varied and interesting forms with different people. You definitely can't put it in a box. Yes, it's a terrible thing to live with sometimes, but it also makes me laugh sometimes. For instance, I've noticed at my volunteer job that if I get anxious about something to do with work, that I disinfect my hands! That has no logic to it at all and is funny when you think about it 😄 I know of course how it's linked to my germophobia and is a soothing mechanism for anxiety, but when I catch myself doing it with no trigger of germs it makes me smile at myself.

Not applicable

Re: Rare form of ocd?

I can totally relate to that @NatureLover, I'm a point in my recovery with OCD that I can laugh at some of the thoughts too. Isn't it amazing when you reach that point? There was a time when I believed that never would have been possible, but with a lot of hard work today I'm able to relate to exactly what you've written here @NatureLover.

Thank you again for sharing 💚

Re: Rare form of ocd?

@Former-Member wrote:

but with a lot of hard work today I'm able to relate to exactly what you've written here @NatureLover.

Aww, that's great to know, @Former-Member ! 🙂

Re: Rare form of ocd?



I am confused - are you saying you avoid unknown people, are not concerned about contamination (re; humans) yet acknowledge your OCD is similar to contamination?


Given the current situation, I'd suggest your "condition" may be relatively normal.


I'm new to this forum so apologies re; etiquette etc.

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