Casual Contributor


I am going through an episode of major depression. I feel like my life has slipped through my fingers. I can't think what to do with my time - no sense of what I used to do. Just lost in the desert. How do I find myself again?

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Re: Lost

Hi @Lostintime 

Welcome to the Forums!

I think this is such a fantastic question and will be relatable for a lot of Forum Members. I know for myself I can relate to the feeling of being so unwell that I lose sense of who I was before and I forget how to imagine or hope for who I will be after it. 

For me, coming out of these times has often meant tiny actions of reclaiming myself. Trying to find a semblance of routine. Even if it just means trying to eat at the same time every day. Starting small can help us gradually rebuild the bricks of a life.

Hoping you find your way out sometime soon,

- periwinklepixie 

Re: Lost

Thank you for replying. I feel very alone and lonely although I live with my family. I feel very guilty for being so disconnected. I can't seem to understand how to connect any more.

Re: Lost

Hi @Lostintime 

I have been through depression and for me it was just best to take it one moment at a time and not push myself. I did what I wanted to do in the moment and tried not to worry about anything. If I wanted to eat, I ate, if I wanted to sleep, I slept. I found meditation helpful and writing down my thoughts as well as getting support from others if I felt like talking. I hope this helps in some way. Please know you are not alone and these forums are a great place for support. 

Re: Lost

Thank you. I try to think what do but I just can't quite get there. I tried to write a list as was suggested to me - I held the pen but nothing came to mind. Its seems ridiculous doesn't it.

Community Guide

Re: Lost

Thanks for sharing - its a sentiment I can identify with

Re: Lost

Its a strange phenomenon isn't it. The sensation is like I've been pushed sideways out of my life and can't find the door back in. Thank you for your comment - I hope we both find our way back in.