Senior Contributor

Family Dinners

I've just got through my psychologist recommendation process, Autism will be recommended to the psychiatrist when I get to that stage. It's pretty obvious and I'm so glad I'm getting through the slog and getting help. I didn't get help for a long time and some things still sit with me about how obvious things were but it comes back to I had a parent that was an anti vaxer spewed the autism is caused by vaccines rot and so yeah the harm it cause was palpable. I Need to have dinner tonight with two people that have hurt me in the past family dinners, I'm aiming to Gray rock where appropriate keep myself calm but I do feel a lot of pain, I'm thankful for what I do have and have accomplished but the pain hurts when I have to see them.


Re: Family Dinners

Hi @Trickster 

So good to hear that you are getting the help that you deserve. I really hope that it helps you move forward in your life.

I totally understand about family dinners. Something I try and avoid.

They can take so much from us. Tiring, exhausting, triggering, something you just want to try and get done as quickly as possible and with as little time into them as you can.

I hope you make it through the dinner ok.

Re: Family Dinners

@Snowiethanks it was quick and I think keeping things public and short helps turned out I only had to navigate one person and I'm gonna keep reminding myself things that I went through are valid, my pain was real because I know because of my memory issues I forget the pain and start to forgive and if someone has done the leg work I would consider it but I know this person is not changing due to recent news I heard still hurting close family not ones in danger danger and they are now out of that situation but it was frustrating to see them still getting away with it within our family dynamic.

Re: Family Dinners

Hi @Trickster 

So glad to hear that you got through the dinner. Always good to come out the other side.

Some people are just not worthy of your time and effort. No matter what we do they will never change. Sometimes it is hard, especially with family, but I try and stay as far away from those people as possible. We need to put our own mental health first.