Re: Christmas/New Year

I invited a cousin last year and mum said I had to tell her she couldn’t come this year! @hanami  I did it diplomatically. 

My house her rules! 

I get the wanting to bop someone! I’d love to bop both my parents! Lol

Re: Christmas/New Year

Oh my re your cousin, unbelievable!

Haha so funny re bopping them! We have to laugh, right!

Re: Christmas/New Year

Hi @Snowie @Captain24,

I love your idea around a thread for Christmas/New Year. I think it would be a great space for anyone that needed a place to express their feelings, chat, vent, etc. 

As much as Christmas may be a happy time for some it can be a difficult time for others and I think being mindful around this is very important.


Re: Christmas/New Year

@Snowie @Captain24 @hanami @FloatingFeather @Flotsam 

We have been running a thread over Christmas for a few years for all those that need connection, support and just some light hearted discussion Christmas Loungeroom 👍

Not applicable

Re: Christmas/New Year

This is so great. And Christmas Loungeroom is awesome @Zoe7 

Not applicable

Re: Christmas/New Year

Hey @Aggie @Elke888 hiii

I noticed each of you said recently that Christmas is hard for you. Is there anything you find useful in the forums besides the Christmas Loungeroom?


This might be

  • resources for coping
  • any support which is open over this period


Take care,


Re: Christmas/New Year

Hearing you too @Flotsam ….. ❤️

Re: Christmas/New Year

@hanami , @Faith-and-Hope. @Former-Member , @Zoe7 , @FloatingFeather ❤❤

Re: Christmas/New Year

Thanks for this thread and for the links @hanami 

Re: Christmas/New Year

hi @hanami 

Even though I have my own children and beautiful granddaughter on Christmas Day (to which i am very grateful for) I still struggle and end up in tears on my own during the day (usually in the bathroom)


I think because i am a person that LOVES family.  loves family together and i was always the only one who would connect all siblings and parents together for every single celebration (Christmas, easter etc)

So now i feel a bit lost, a bit empty.  I feel very sad for my poor dad who i know will be lonely and not with his children.  my mum has told me that they are going nowhere for Christmas, i have asked but her reply was no.


I would like if possible for support during the holidays, just someone i can come on here and get some support.  It's a crazy time of the year and with all the advertisements everywhere; the pressure of buying presents; the pressure of trying to 'do better' each year.


I do feel lucky to have my 2 out of 3 kids with me this year as I do know there are lots of people on their own.  although this year will be extra hard as i won't have my youngest son with us as he is overseas.  Even though i know he is ok and will have a nice Christmas with his girlfriend it's still not the same without him.


I think just having someone on Sane Forum to be a support, although i do understand it is your time for holiday break too.