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Something’s not right

Re: I can’t cope

I’ll paint a picture… I’m in a raggedy ol’ tracksuit and Ugg boots with no bra on. I haven’t showered or cleaned my teeth, I haven’t brushed my hair, I just pulled it up. Sounds pretty rough. Well that’s how I just went to the supermarket! 

I may have looked like I just got dragged out of the gutter but at least it’s done. 

Now to pack it away and clean the kitchen. I can do this. 

Re: I can’t cope

Exactly @Captain24 the important part is that you got it done! 

You can do this!


Re: I can’t cope

Sounds like what I go down to the street in sometimes @Captain24 

As @Ru-bee said, the most important thing is that you did it. Be proud of yourself for that.



Re: I can’t cope

I saw someone from work but pretended I didn’t @Snowie. It wasn’t busy though. 

I’ve decided the kitchen can wait until tomorrow morning before work. 

How was your day? 

Re: I can’t cope

Nice one @Captain24!! That's pretty much me every time I go to the shops! Why endure the horrifying sensory overload in similarly overwhelming clothing? Who am I trying to impress, Margret in the Deli? 😝


Proud of you hun! So hard to push past those inner barriers to step outside our comfort zone, and you deserve to be commended for it. And it'll get easier and easier the more you do it! 😊💜

Re: I can’t cope

I avoid people too @Captain24 Hide behind something or walk the other way, or just pretend I didn't see them. Thats why I normally go up early to avoid people.


Reading back, it sounds like you got a lot done, so the kitchen can defiantly wait till tomorrow.

Are you still on light duties at work?


Today was rough. A few things happened that were out of my control. 

Re: I can’t cope

It wouldn’t have been too hard to put a bra on. Pix has dragged it into the middle of the lounge room! @Snowie @Jynx 


Lately I’ve been trying to avoid anything that involves getting out of the house. But when I do I at least put a bra on! 

Yeah still on light duties. I see the physio I. The morning so I’ll be late to work. Hopefully I can do something. 

Are you ok? 


Re: I can’t cope

I can imagine Pix dragging it around @Captain24 

If you wear baggy clothes then you don't need one on anyway.


Work must go very slow if you are on light duties. Sitting around with not much to do.


Not sure but will leave it at that. 

Re: I can’t cope

Yeah.. it’s baggy top @Snowie 


Work goes so slow and I’m not allowed my phone so I literally sit there in my own with nothing to do! 

Thinking of you


Re: I can’t cope

Haha @Captain24 Pix is a feminist, wants to destroy all the bras!! Cheeky little minx!! Hehe


Hope the physio goes well tomorrow!



Here if you wanna chat about anything or need some company @Snowie 💜

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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