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Re: Enter the Darkness

Hey @Tiggeroo
Hope you are doing ok.
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Re: Enter the Darkness

Hoping you are okay.
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Re: Enter the Darkness

Checking to see if you are ok.

Re: Enter the Darkness

Hey @Former-Member,

Sorry I have been MIA. 

My boy has had a really rough week... but again... we do the rounds, Mental Health Assessment, New meds, Bipolar 2 confirmation, psychology appointments and now we are waiting on a psychiatry appointment to talk about the new meds the Crisis team introduced. 

On top of that i have had a really stressful time at work (3 yearly accreditation was due which is just a bucketload of work and stress), but I am ok. 

I mean i havent slept in what feels like 3 years but thats ok, im sure i will sleep peacefully soon. 

Today i have found a bipolar group in our area, they have meetings once a month for people, and other sessions for carers, i think we are going to go along next week and say hello. 

I hope you are keeping well and thank you for your continued support, your message shone through for me on a very dark day and im sorry it has taken me longer to respond than it should have



Re: Enter the Darkness

Good to see you @Tiggeroo .... 💕

Thanks for checking in with us.  I have been missing you too.

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Re: Enter the Darkness

Glad to hear you are OK @Tiggeroo, sounds like it has all been happening 😞

Hope you do get a bit of a breather in and a break that is not related to MI.

The meds unmerry-go-round is another thing ... Hope this can be sorted soon Tigz

Re: Enter the Darkness

Thanks Guys, 

I am hopeful this round of mood stabilsers is the right one... (we all nod in support but know it probably isnt...). to be fair, he is up and about doing housework and things during the day so some improvement is evident already. 

the build up on this new med is really slow and a full dose (200mg) takes like 16 weeks to wean on to, so we have a slow road ahead... it had better work thats for sure... 

by the time we get an appointment with the private pdoc it will prbably be almost that long anyway.



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Re: Enter the Darkness

Fingers crossed for you @Tiggeroo
Hope you find some peace and joy in the festive season.

Re: Enter the Darkness

Good to see you @Tiggeroo,Woman HappyHeart

Re: Enter the Darkness

💐💜💕 @Tiggeroo .....
Illustration of people sitting and standing

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