Re: Alone and struggling

Hi @outlander 


I just finished watching ‘Interview with the Vampire’ on ABC iView. From what you’ve said I think you would appreciate the series.

Re: Alone and struggling

hello @Starke and welcome
thank you for the suggestion. ill have to take a look
how are you going?

@Gremlin24 it was simplier without the bills and all those worries but i guess being a kid you have other worries that adults dont

Re: Alone and struggling

@outlander yeah that's true. My childhood wasn't the best so I was glad to just make it through it but adulthood hasn't proven to be much better. 

Re: Alone and struggling

mine either @Gremlin24 i used school as an escape but i was also bullied in school so SA at home and bullies at school there wasnt much of an escape for me.
adult hood isnt much better but i guess a little more freedom now

Re: Alone and struggling

@outlander I'm so sorry to hear. I too was bullied at school by both teachers and students and home life was stressful to say the least. 


Being an adult is no walk in the park and the trauma from our childhoods sticks with us. Just have to do the best we can with what we've got. 

Re: Alone and struggling

yeah @Gremlin24
i guess anyone does the best they can do.
im sorry you experienced bullying too. people can be awful

i will be starting trauma work either tomorrow or my next sessions. i just have to discuss hallucinations etc first and see how to get them under control.

Re: Alone and struggling

@outlander I watched Handmaid Tale ... Maybe 10 years ago?


@Starke welcome to the forum 




Yeah we all wanna grow up... But then what?


All life's stages come with their challenges.


Guess laughing at bad hair days is a thing with me!  Lol

Re: Alone and struggling

there is a newer handmaids tale @Appleblossom i think its only been out for a couple of years but maybe its longer. there are only about 4 seasons i think.

Re: Alone and struggling

@Gremlin24 @outlander 


You can really tell I am not up with the latest and

Re: Alone and struggling