Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hi @Shaz51 !

How are you today? ❤️

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hello @amber22 , 

When is your birthday  x


I am finally sitting down , pulled a big back muscle on Tuesday and is slowly recovering from it 

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Take care @Shaz51 - a badly pulled muscle sounds painful.

Hope it feels better very soon 🙂

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

My birthday is the 17th of November 🙂 

Oh wow, definitely rest up! That must have hurt!

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Thanks @amber22 , @FloatingFeather 

With my kidney disease,  I thought it might of been a kidney infection,  so went to the hospital and the doctor checked my heart and did blood tests 

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

It's good you got it checked out @Shaz51. Sounds like with your kidney disease it's better to be on the safe side.

Hope you are resting up and aren't in too much pain.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and big hugs,


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Helloooo everyone! @Shaz51 @afterhours @Former-Member 


How are you all going today? 


What have you been up to? 


Just checking in on everyone and hoping they have a great night 🙂 


I've had a bit of a crazy day today. I had to go to the doctors this morning (which is a bit tricky for me because I have pretty bad health anxiety) but feeling proud of myself for doing it and getting it done! 

Is there something you have done today that you are proud of yourself for doing?

I'd love to hear! Let's celebrate the small things!


Looking forward to your replies, 



Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Way to go @amber22 for today 👍😀


Worked this morning 

a cousin was going to visit me but has not turned up 

so had a relaxing afternoon waiting 😁


Hello @FloatingFeather , @Former-Member , @tyme , @Paperdaisy 


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Thanks @Shaz51 ! Definitely felt like a win for me today 🙂 


That sounds great, good job for getting your work done this morning. That always makes me feel really productive. 


Hopefully the rest of the day is relaxing for you!


Amber22 🙂

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Thanks @amber22 my pulled muscle from last week is nearly all recovered,  just have to be careful 


Going to have fish for dinner,  how about you??

Hoe you are not affected by the floods