Community Guide

Meet the Peer support workers

Good morning @hanami@tyme , @Former-Member , @Paperdaisy , @yellowcorgi , @FloatingFeather  😁 


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

good morning @tyme 😁

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Saturday, Oct 1st
Dear Peer Support people. @hanami, @tyme , @Former-Member , @Paperdaisy , @yellowcorgi , @FloatingFeather
Hello and good wishes to all of you.

I have sent an email to your team as you recommended and I am so hoping that you will be able to help me to really get connected again……… when you have time.
At least I am able to look at FORUM TOPICS right now. I usually cannot find that page but it has popped up right under your post., I know I will
have problems finding it again once I lose it!!
I hope you all have a very nice holiday weekend. When you have time again after a good rest from people like me, I look forward to hearing from you and solving my annoying IT issues.
Thank you for all your good work.
Regards, keepingface

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hi @Shaz51,

Thanks for the tag 🙂! Hope you are well and life is treating you kindly.

Looking at the peer support workers' names there really are some great ones there (don't usually see them all in one post 😉). I particularly like the name yellowcorgi - what a cute name 🐶.

Hope you have a great day and week ahead @Shaz51.

Warm wishes,


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hi @afterhours,

Thank you for your post and email. I understand the forums can be confusing and hard to understand - there's a lot going on in all different places 🙂. It took me a long time when I first started to get my head around how it works and I'm still finding out new things many months later.

The main space most of the regular forum users catch up is usually in the good morning social spaces. This is a link to access this area so anytime you want to go to that space just come back to this post and click on it and it will always take you there

I will also add a link to the general social spaces and you can see that there are many different groups. If you are interested in any of them just click on the one you like and you can join in

I will also add a link to the lived experience forum page so if you can't find it on the website just click on this link and it will take you directly there

I really hope this helps you navigate the SANE website a little easier. If you need any more help just ask and someone will get back to you soon.

Best wishes,


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Thank you very much. Your info is very useful and should simplify things a lot. It’s so nice for me that you undestand my silly IT problems. I hope your day goes really well. keepingface

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

So glad I could off been some help @afterhours.  Your IT problems aren't silly at all - I was asking the same type of questions when I first joined the SANE website 🙂.

Thank you - I hope your day goes really well too and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask anytime. That's what we are here for 🙂.


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

@FloatingFeather , sure there are a few more names to write here 😀

@Former-Member , @Former-Member @Former-Member 

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Yes, some great names @Shaz51 and some great people!

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hello @Former-Member 😀