Re: Everything music

@greenpea  Used to drive around with a mate blaring out Radiohead and singing along...good times in some ways, but yeah...did some damage along the way too


As for hair - I always used to say I wanted hair long enough to be able to tuck it into my pants...sounds like you're kinda living that dream! lol

But yeah...I reckon if you can be bothered looking after it and it makes you happy...well, it's Your hair after all...

Re: Everything music

@StuF    lol i used to play nirvana blaring on my way to uni lol.  thanks re hair i am a mess about it all tbh.

Re: Everything music

Hair is tricky @greenpea 

Having had a No 1 or 2 style for years now after many years of quite long, I wouldn't go back. Zero maintenance is handy! I still wish I could have long hair every now and then, but of course it doesn't work that way lol

Anyway, this guy is stuffed.

Good night. I hope you sleep well. Catch you tomorrow 🙂

Re: Everything music

@StuF  good night StuF.  sleep well and see you tomorrowxx

Re: Everything music

@TAB it’s 4/5ths of FA. No biggy

Re: Everything music

3/5ths of 4 parts of 5/8ths of Nothing..


Re: Everything music

Perfectly said @TAB 😀  LOL

Re: Everything music

ok, something like that @Glisten 


Three-fifths of five-eighths of nothing
PNG ATTITUDE › 2010/03 › three-fifths-of-...
25 Mar 2010 — What will change with potentially smaller, fragmented, PNG autonomous regions? Three fifths of five eighths of nothing!

She's as big as four-fifths of five-eighths of

Goodreads › quotes › 5321106-she-s-...
Quotes · Ask the Author. Join Goodreads. and meet your next favorite book! Sign Up Now · Sign in with Facebook. She's as big as four-fifths of five-eighths of ...

Re: Everything music

@TAB you my friend, are a vault of knowledge.

Anyone can make an off the cuff remark and you find a dicertatcion, thesis, scientific research paper, book, website, or song for it.

I have never known anyone with such a wide range of qualifications and you can research anything in a split second.

It takes me two weeks to order my groceries online lol

Good morning to you and Goose 🐈😊

Re: Everything music

,,Flattery will get you ..anywhere @Glisten  lol

um I put it down to poss being on spectrum, brain plays word association games and is a repository of song titles and trivia ha ha

thanks, hot today . keep cool 😎