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07-03-2025 02:20 PM
07-03-2025 02:20 PM
@Former-Member ughhh! it's so frustrating how we've reached out to almost every service possible that we know of and that we can find but none of them just ever be able to help us out throughout these difficult situations! 😞 I'm really sorry about what you're going through at the moment, but also the tent situation I can imagine how much it takes a toll on you, but despite that it's the only place you could be at when there's no other place to go and to live in 😞
I definitely agree it's impossible to afford a house when your only income is the disability support pension. Me personally, my only options right now are to move into a government housing whenever my application for that gets approved, and also to look for other student accomodation where the rent is a lot cheaper than the rent of the place I live at right now. I've been looking into it and was able to given a couple of options by my accommodation agent, but those accomodations that have a cheaper rent are unfortunately located quite far from the CBD and requires you to take public transport to get from here to there everytime 😞 I hate having to use public transport all the time. but oh well, if only I knew how to drive a car or even ride a bike or a scooter. 😕
07-03-2025 02:50 PM
07-03-2025 02:55 PM
07-03-2025 02:55 PM
To be honest @Healandlove
You all have made me understand to take stock - he's on his own now.
He chooses to get support where he gets it from
He chooses not to be empathetic to me.
My youngest son want to be 30 my oldest son is very successful in his work
But keeps his empathy and compassion there.
He also left his partner about 2 months ago who loved him.
Iv got to care for me.
07-03-2025 03:02 PM
07-03-2025 03:02 PM
I live in public housing @Blackcloud
My only tip is once your in, your in.
I'm so, so lucky to have it.
Many years ago I used to catch buses and trains 2 hours every morning 2 hours every night to go to art school and drop my 2 year old off at daycare.
Before social media - I used to be so proud of myself.
Just don't talk to people on the bus. It was only me that had people sitting next to me that had no boundaries -
You are going to have a great time 🙂
07-03-2025 03:20 PM - edited 07-03-2025 03:22 PM
07-03-2025 03:20 PM - edited 07-03-2025 03:22 PM
@PeppyPatti yeah my parents live in public housing as well. Before I moved out actually, I used to live in public housing along with my parents throughout my whole life, but I want to live in a public housing on my own now so I’m still waiting to get approved for it.
2 hours every morning and 2 hours every night?! That sounds quite hectic I can imagine 😄 thankfully all my classes for the fine/visual arts course are all online. Otherwise I would have to move interstate to attend uni on campus there 👀 I would love to help people through art therapy if I’m able to pursue that career in the future
Yeah it seems that I might need to get used to catching public transport from the new student accomodation that I’d be living quite far from the CBD at to the CBD if I wanna go shopping there and it’ll take me like probably 30 minutes or so to get there by train. Not too sure about the tram though cause I find trains to be more reliable than trams.
After I complete the undergraduate certificate in fine art, I would love to get into a university to pursue a bachelor in fine arts at a university that’s both far away from the new student accomodation place and the CBD - that university I think is the second top or second most-prestigious university in my state. 😄 would be great if I’d be able to get into that one! But then with fine arts bachelors, you’re required to have an interview as part of your entry requirements. Have you ever had to do an interview before you did the arts degree back then?
07-03-2025 03:21 PM
07-03-2025 03:21 PM
Hello @Blackcloud. Sounds like you put alot of thought into the decision with volunteering this morning. At the end of the day you have to do what's best for you. It's OK to take time for yourself and if you feel ready to go back at some stage then that's completely up to you.
Well done for making that phone call, I hate making phone calls so I know how much effort it takes. It will be so great to have everything sorted out, so i hope that's done soon for you.
07-03-2025 03:25 PM
07-03-2025 03:25 PM
@Blackcloud it's definitely so frustrating when you try every service possible and noone can help. I've been on the category 2 wait list for over 15 years and I've been told I'll never be offered a house cos I can afford private rental. If I could afford it I wouldn't be about to be homeless. As it's getting closer to the day things are getting harder, the unknown is so scary.
07-03-2025 03:35 PM
07-03-2025 03:35 PM
hey @Blackcloud how'd the speech therapy session go? did you end up volunteering?
@avant-garde sounds like you wanted to create a firm response - and you did exactly that - it was clear, firm and reasonable of a request. i've got one of those friends who keep pushing things to the last min/doesn't really give clear answers in time and doesn't think about how it impacts others. i'm guessing both our friends aren't trying to be disrespectful, but it can come off that way and if setting that boundary is what helps get a serious answer, then definitely the way to go. good on you!!
07-03-2025 03:36 PM
07-03-2025 03:36 PM
hi all!! how's everyone's Friday going, any plans for the weekend?
@PeppyPatti @Healandlove @Former-Member @Shaz51
07-03-2025 03:38 PM
07-03-2025 03:38 PM
Hello @rav3n . I'm struggling mentally today but trying to push through. I don't have any plans for the weekend.
How are you going, do you have any plans?
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