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Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx Chill time is good 😊. I just got back from the shops, that was stressful, almost had a panic attack until one of the workers that I really love seeing saw me and said hello. Was like instant relief and I got hugs ❤️.


Haven't found anything to watch yet, I tried but got all flustered and worked up😂

Re: Best Friends Club

@Former-Member awww yes we love to hear it!! 


Noooo I can imagine it is quite the task! Pop all the options onto a spinny wheel and let fate decide? Haha

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Re: Best Friends Club

@Jynx this worker I've known for many years now, he has come and gone over the years (went to Canada for 2 years) but we have always kept contact. He and his partner are expecting their first baby together which is super exciting. 


I can't even pick any that are options 😂.

Re: Best Friends Club

@Former-Member and yet I used to lowkey want to work in retail but never got the job offers for any of them that I’ve applied to as well as after being job interviewed on 😂 I was under job seeking payments at that time when I was being forced to apply for jobs that I don’t even wanna work at due to a number of reasons. But not gonna lie almost everytime I see every other young person (like the ones that look around my age or whatnot) working in general, whether it’s at customer service basically, I get jealous of them since I wish that I would be like them 😂😂 but I guess at least now I have a Fine Arts course to worry about right? 😏 as I now do dream on getting a role that involves this course now, such as either becoming an artist or an art therapist. But far out, I hate having to go to job interviews even for the roles that I wanna become as 😭

I have a feeling that getting into a role in the disability field is easy to get into cause they’re high in demand? 🤔 at least from what I’ve read .. and that’s where the idea of being an art therapist would be suitable for, as I was thinking of wanting to work  at a service that’s NDIS affiliated.


And hi @Jynx I was complaining on here earlier about how I wish  I could be in a place - whether it’d be a workplace/school/volunteer place, where EVERY single person is nice and welcoming to me without having at least one person that would irk/annoy me for whatever reason, that’s the reason why I still refuse to wanting to go volunteering lol cause of this & also why I know that working at any jobs as well would NEVER be for me 😂 it’s really sad how in this world you’ll always be met with at least one person whom will give you a bad impression or that you will dislike for whatever reason depending on what they do to you to that make you feel that way. Ideally, it would be great if every single person at any place I’d be at on a regular or weekly basis would be able to be kind to me and make me feel welcomed and belonged, but no that’s never the case unfortunately.


@Former-Member @Jynx by the way guys, I just got back from a more than two hour nap 😴 

Re: Best Friends Club

Hi @ArraDreaming 


How have you been? I have been quite busy lately. It was a long weekend here but I didn’t do anything special. Just did some work for Tafe.

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Re: Best Friends Club

@Blackcloud i think it's only normal to feel that jealousy. I get jealous of the worker that took my job, I see her around everywhere 😂. She has worked for so many different places though so I'm thinking she never stays in one place for too long. I had to leave my job as the stress became too much (i was assistant manager at 19 years old) and brought back my epilepsy, to this day I was never fired nor did I quit, I simply never went back. 


I hope you land the job you are after doing the fine arts course, it sounds like such an amazing opportunity. Job interviews are always scary but I believe in you, you are amazing and strong ❤️.

Re: Best Friends Club

To tell the truth @Jynx  I'm good. It's taken me a long time to understand myself 

To understand the love of me. 




Hey @Former-Member I enjoyed reading your last message ----

You really are special. How you are taking things step by step. At least from the last message you wrote when you write 



Re: Best Friends Club

What a powerful post to @Former-Member 🙂


Thank you @PeppyPatti 

Re: Best Friends Club

@PeppyPatti wrote:

To tell the truth @Jynx  I'm good. It's taken me a long time to understand myself 

To understand the love of me. 


Oh this makes me happy!! It is powerful stuff hey, I envision it as though a wellspring of love exists within me, forever bubbling and overflowing.... cos whenever I try to find limits to love, I cannot! It is limitless 😍


Thank you for sharing @PeppyPatti 💜

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Re: Best Friends Club

Awww thanks @PeppyPatti ❤️.


Life is challenging sometimes, when things get hard i take things minute by minute, sometimes even that's too much so I break it down even smaller. Reminding myself that anything can happen from one moment to the next and that what I'm feeling in that moment won't last forever.