Re: Best Friends Club

@Former-Member @Oaktree @Jynx @Blackcloud @Shaz51 @Blackcloud 



You help me so much.

I have no problems being a zero. 

I have a problem with my sons being manipulated. Then realising this is what they choose to do. 

Re: Best Friends Club



Iv messed up my messages 

Sorry @Glisten @@Shaz51 @Oaktree @Blackcloud 

@Former-Member @Jynx @Blackcloud @tyme @Captain24 @MDT @MJG 

@MJG017 @Appleblossom 





Re: Best Friends Club

@Shaz51 how you doing my Shazzy? How’s the pain?

I just came out of small coma. Meaning I slept a lot because my daughter’s house had aircon.

That’s all I did for three days, ate and slept. It was good.👍🏼 

Re: Best Friends Club

Morning @rav3n 


I'm used to seeing Ru-bee, they ok? Also it's Tyme ok? She hasn't been herself in a while, just depleted


How are you?

Re: Best Friends Club

morning! @avant-garde 


sometimes mods take days off for various reasons (appointments, carer's leave, travel, mental health day, clash in their schedule, shift swaps, etc) - i can't really speak on behalf of Ru-bee and tyme, so you'll have to ask them. but i really appreciate your concern for the mods 💙


i'm going okay! i think its been a rough week for a lot of us recently, but it's nice coming here and feeling less alone in that. also i don't usually work mornings so i'm very much missing my bed and sleep hehe. how are you??

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n I'm not normally out and about at this time but hospital appointments call for it. 


I found it interesting that the cafe out by the bus stop charges $9 for the same thing that the cafe inside the hospital charges $6.70 for. I know where I'm going from now on. 


I'm glad to have Jynx back, they're a real sweetheart.

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde are you not a morning person either? are you still at the hospital waiting for the appointments or all done?


woah that's a pretty big difference... sucks that people are getting ripped off at the cafe near the bus. but then again i constantly buy expensive iced coffees when there's $2 ones at 7/11... so i guess i've been letting myself get ripped off.


i'm glad Jynx is back too, they're amazing!! miss their energy on here 

Re: Best Friends Club

@rav3n oh I am just not sleeping great with police interviews next week and having been staying up so that I just crash


I go cheap when I can, appointment should be soon.

Not applicable

Re: Best Friends Club

@avant-garde good luck with your appointment ❤️

Re: Best Friends Club

ohh i see, sorry to hear that it's been keeping you up @avant-garde is there anything that would help you feel a lil less overwhelmed about those interviews? do you have someone going with you to the station for support?


i need to go cheap too. it's so wild to me that 10 yrs ago i'd buy a bag of chips and ice cream for less than $5 and now it's almost triple that!


hope your appointment goes well 💙