Senior Contributor

Christmas/New Year

As I'm sure you're all aware, Christmas is fast approaching. While it’s portrayed in the media as being a ‘wonderful time of the year’, the reality is that for many it’s far from that. For various reasons, Christmas can be a really challenging time. And for those with mental health illness, it can be even more so. We have started to see posts already about anxiety, depression, estrangement, and loneliness in regards to Christmas.


SO, we want to know what you think you might need from us, the staff at SANE. We would love to hear from you about any ideas you may have as to how we can make the Christmas and New Year period more ‘doable’ for you all. Keep in mind also that a lot of the regular peer workers will not be around during this time. What can we do to make this easier for you?


I’ll add these two articles that some may find helpful:




@Snowie @Shaz51 @maddison @Eve7 @NatureLover @ShiningStar @outlander @Zoe7 @Dimity @Determined @Judi9877 @Former-Member @Faith-and-Hope @MDT @BlueBay @Krishna @Bow @Captain24 @creative_writer @StuF @SmilingGecko 


Re: Christmas/New Year

Hi @hanami 

Thanks for including me in the above post.

I find Christmas hard, especially the lead up to it and the day. I have cut of certain family members and that puts a strain on who we see and don't see on the day. My mum clearly blames me for why our family cannot be together, and will tell me this to my face. It is hard to deal with everyday but xmas just makes it even harder.


I also find it hard because both my psych and pdoc take time off, and it means I don't have their support during this time. It doesn't matter how much I put alternate plans in place, it is still a loss over this time. I find my SI increases and the voices are hard to deal with. I resort to coping in unhealthy ways too.


I think what I probably need from Sane is just support over this time. I know everyone deserves a break but I think being able to reach out to someone during this time helps. I think we can support each other too, letting people know that they are not alone and that there are others that are finding it as hard as I am.


Thanks for the article too!




Re: Christmas/New Year

I just want to cancel Christmas this year. 

Re: Christmas/New Year

Hi @Snowie,

Thanks for the tag - it's always lovely to hear from you.

I think Christmas can be quite stressful for a lot of people. If we believe what the TV commercials portray everyone is happy and living with this amazing family and everyone is getting on so well! I wish it was the case for all of us but the truth is for some people Christmas is very hard for various reasons and I think that it is important to acknowledge and to be aware of this. 

I always get anxious at Christmas because I have a few family members that don't always get on too well. I only really enjoy Christmas when the relatives have gone home and the pressure is off!

I also understand what you are saying around your professional team being away around Christmas. A close family member of mine also has regular appointments with their team all year round and struggles with the lack of appointments around this time.

I agree with you, it's great that we are here for each other and that the Forums are always open so everyone can reach out at anytime if they need to.

Warm regards,


Re: Christmas/New Year

I totally understand @Snowie .

I think it's a good idea to let everyone know (maybe closer to Dec 25th) what peer workers will be around and who will be on leave. What do you think? I'll be off for for two weeks but I think others will only be off for a week (the week between Christmas and New Year). I was also thinking we could try to organise some uplifting posts/discussions about trivial stuff like music/tv shows to binge on/podcasts to listen to/books to read. Or our favourite kind of self-care to keep us feeling ok. Any ideas are welcome! ❤️

Re: Christmas/New Year

I hear you! ❤️

Re: Christmas/New Year

Thanks @FloatingFeather It is hard when we don't have a lot of family or friends around. Not that I really like being around too many people. If I could lock myself away for the day then I would. The questions like "Why are we not seeing ____? Why don't we see ______ anymore? are questions I could do without.


@hanami I think it is a really good idea to know who will be around during the xmas/new year period. Perhaps even a thread (maybe this one) that people can go to when they are struggling or feel lonely.  I think it is important that people have a place to go even if it is virtual. I know I would be using it. Setting up some self care would be a really good idea too. I know it is something that I need to work on.



Re: Christmas/New Year

Thanks so much for your suggestions @Snowie . Very valued and appreciated!

This thread could definitely be the go to for when people are down at this time of year.


Re: Christmas/New Year

hi @hanami 


I agree with @Snowie about having a thread open. That way we can all be there and support each other. 

I enjoy Christmas but I do get overwhelmed. It’s at my house but I will spend the entire day with my parents and whoever they invite. I’m not to invite anyone. After spending a day of being controlled will be when I may need some help. Usually after big days I fall in a heap the next day. 


Re: Christmas/New Year

Aw, @Captain24 that doesn't sound great at all! Do you parents not allow you to invite anyone? Even though it's at your place? I don't have too bad a relationship with my parents and my husband's family too but honestly, I am overwhelmed by the end of the day. There is one family member  who is a bit narky and likes to makes snide and snarky comments under their breath. I really get sick of that by the end of the day. The older I get the more I want to bop her on the head, lol. Not really but you know what I mean hehe.
