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New gal

Hi, im new to this. I would like to chat with people who understand me

Community Lead

Re: New gal

Hey @Toomuch37 ,


Welcome to the forums! 


We all started off as new to things like this. We are here to welcome you. 


Is there something you want to tell us about yourself?


I'm the Community Lead here on the forums. I started off using the forums to aid my own mental health recovery, and since then, things have turned to become better than ever. Hence, years down the track, I'm still here, and now a Community Lead!


I enjoy helping people. I enjoy giving back to the community.


What are some things you are interested in?

Re: New gal

Welcome to the forum @Toomuch37 😊

Re: New gal

Welcome to the forum @Toomuch37 .  We are all here to support you throughout your journey.  Share away with your stories and I am sure you will find someone that can relate to what you are talking about.  There are also peer support workers who review the forums as well who can help you to come up with strategies to help build you up.  I'm sure everyone can help you.

Much love,


Re: New gal

Hallo there @Toomuch37 


You appear to be a person of few words, but those few words were probably one of the hardest you have written.  Reaching out is always hard, opening yourself up to others is hard, but bottling things up is the worst.  So how can we help you, please let us try........Asgard

Re: New gal

Hi @Toomuch37 


Welcome to the forums and well done on making your first post and reaching out.


Are there some things about yourself that you would be comfortable in sharing to let others get to know you better?


If you aren't comfortable in sharing details about yourself perhaps you could have a look through other's posts and see if anything resonates with you that you might be comfortable in joining the chat? 


I know how hard it can be having to share details about yourself with others, but please know we are here to support and help as much as you need. 


Also, just a tip for posting if you are wanting to reply to a particular person you can tag them by using the @ function and they will get a notification of your reply.  ie @Toomuch37 or @Asgard 


I hope you find what you need here on the forums.


Warm regards


Re: New gal

Hi @Toomuch37 


Welcome to the forum. Are you doing ok? Are you safe?


Would love to hear if you have a sense of what being understood feels like for you? i think it is human nature to want to feel seen, heard and understood...and everyone on this forum; including the volunteers, peer guides, mentors, staff and community leaders has lived experience of mental health. Connecting with others who are going through similar life situations can feel very supportive. Have a look around the topics and threads, do some keyword searches, start a conversation.... There are many who can empathise with you as they have gone through the same sort of stuff, and now feel empowered enough to lend a hand or some words of support.


open to chat further if you want


Re: New gal


Im a 40 year old mum of 2 girls. 13 and 15. I was diagnosed with adhd a couple of years ago which is great as my whole life made sense.

Just going through a break up at the moment after 6 years. Feeling confident about my future goals moving forward.



Peer Support Worker

Re: New gal

Hey @Toomuch37 welcome! 


Sorry to hear about the breakup, that's super rough. Glad you've got some goals and a path to walk. 


Just a lil tip, if you want other members to be notified that you've responded, you can tag them - use the @ symbol and a drop down will appear, and you can choose their name. If their name isn't there, you can type it out and it should then appear for you to select, and it will show up in blue, like this: @OM108 


Also, a fellow ADHDer! I have ADHD too, late diagnosis as well. Really does make so much of life make sense! 


You're welcome to come join the conversation with us on the ADHD thread! That link takes you to the first page where I introduce the discussion, and this link takes you to the most recent posts in the thread. Maybe see you over there 😉

Re: New gal

Hi @Toomuch37 


Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you are going through a breakup. Explore the forum and engage in conversation with other members, I'm sure you will find it beneficial. We are always here to listen, don't hesitate to reach out, take care. 

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