Re: Fragile

Its good to hear your playing piano again. I quite liked it through school but didnt keep it up. I was just starting to play with both hands could play a few lines with that before stopping.

13yr old tyres! That is unroadworthy for sure, im glad those are getting fixed up.
Sounds like reducing the meds abit is a good idea under the watchful eye of the dr that is.

No im not good but ill live. I wrote about it on the rough time thread 4 or 5 pages from the back but no obligation to read or respond to it.

Are you headed to bed?

Re: Fragile


I know you have had difficult times recently.  It was just me not thinking as I was ending post.  I have read your psots here and there.

Its 1 am here and I should be off to bed.  Brain fogging and starting to fade.

Dont worry I am too sensible in my old age to try and manage it without proper protocols.

I saw you were thinking of studying and not sure because you wanted to spend time with your pop.


Re: Fragile

Ill be ok @Appleblossom just need to take it day by day for now.

I hope youve been able to get to sleep ok. Do you have many plans for today?

Ive been meaning to ask if your still singing with your choir? Or do you sing alone now?
I know you left one recently with that other lady in it but couldnt remember if you had joined another group....

Re: Fragile

@outlanderI am glad you are hanging in there and not letting the black dog get to you.

Smiley Happy

Yes I did finally get to sleep, but a bit anxious about getting my son to do a job, and then this morning an odd nightmare.  I have been getting them regularly, but trying not to let them get to me.


No I did not leave a choir recently.

Cheers Bella




Not applicable

Re: Fragile

@Appleblossom, I've tried singing again but for the first time in my life i don't have the breath. I get breathless / lack breath control. Do ya think at my age i'll get to it back with prac? Lung Capacity. Have u known anyone who has? I wish I was you sometimes, wow xox
Hi @outlander xox

Re: Fragile

@Former-Member Heart i think youll succeed in whatever you put your heart and mind to.

i hope your son done ok with the job. nightmares can be pesky, i hope they dont start affecting you.
wow youve got a good system with the choirs! its good not to talk about mh etc, jsut abit of breathing space and different topics are really great for the soul and mind! Heart

Re: Fragile


So much insight and wisdom @outlander

How are you?

Re: Fragile

thanks @oceangirl
Im okish, just taking it day by day atm and dealing with things as they come. how are you?

Re: Fragile


NP @outlander

Thank you for your message- its good to deal with things as they come up. It shows maturity and someone that seems really sensible to me.


I'm struggling atm but I am ok. I've had a relapse but trying my best to deal with it- it is so hard for me righ now especially with Milo being sick.

Re: Fragile

im sorry your struggling, trying your best is all that you can do @oceangirl
i hope milo gets better soon, i seen somewhere that he was sick. poor thing, seeing pets sick/in pain just adds to the pain we feel too.