

I feel so confused. Feel so sad and alone.

Peer Support Worker

Re: Confused

hey @hairdog it's okay to feel those things. we're for you, you're not alone 💙


have you spoken to a professional about these feelings before? are there any activities or self-care things that you enjoy or helps you feel calm?

Re: Confused

I have an appointment to see someone in another week
Peer Support Worker

Re: Confused

that's great! @hairdog have you spoken to a professional before or is this going to be your first time?

Re: Confused

First time. I am nervous confused. Basically lost at the moment
Peer Support Worker

Re: Confused

that's totally fair and also proud of ya for giving it a go!! i was super nervous when i had my first appointment booked in too @hairdog i kept thinking about cancelling it, i had no idea what to expect, i had no idea where to even start, if it was worth it, etc.


but i showed up, and i'm really glad i did. it was a lil awkward at first but the professional did explain what usually happens and helped guide convos so i didn't have to worry about blanking out. i do want to mention that if you don't click with the professional straight away - that's totally ok! you can always request someone new or maybe you might need to give it some time. you got this!!


is there anything in particular that you're nervous about? perhaps we can chat about it so it can help you feel more at ease? (also i do have to head off soon but there are other mods you can reach out to throughout the week - i'll cont you this convo with you on Friday!!)

Re: Confused

Thank you I appreciate your responses and reassurance

Re: Confused

Hey @hairdog ,


I read your post in the other thread, but thought it more suitable to respond here. 


I'm sorry it's been so hard for you as you battle the depression beast. I've been in a similar place and the darkness was painful. I also have to say that at that time, I felt I destroyed everything I had to live for.


Fast forward, after a lot of therapy, I'm in a remarkably better place. Now, it seems l am picking up the pieces and recovering my past losses, but to 200%. I never thought I'd be in a place of recovery.


From your post, it sounds like you are proactive about your recovery in that you are planning on a 3 week hospital stay to get things 'sorted'. I've had many many hospital stays myself. 


As hard as it is, it's worth it. Recovery is not a passive process but require grit to just keep going even when things are so hard.


We are here to support you, my friend @hairdog 


Don't give up. Hugs.

Re: Confused

Thank you @tyme - yes I currently feel like I have destroyed and lost everything that matters. But hopefully i will come out the other side and be able to rebuild. Thank you for your support

Re: Confused

Yes, that feeling certainly pops up @hairdog . Then again, remember that there's no reverse-gear in life. We've got to just keep going. I think standing still and making no progress is the hardest.


I believe in you @hairdog  and want to support you through this journey.


When I feel down, I never cease to watch this:


It's a book. Means a lot to me and is so validating.


I'm interested in your thoughts about it.

At its worst, depression can be a frightening, debilitating condition. Millions of people around the world live with depression. Many of these individuals and their families are afraid to talk about their struggles, and don't know where to turn for help. However, depression is largely preventable