
Can't cope any longer

Hello everyone,


I'm 75 yo, my daughter is 55 yo.  She has schizophrenia.  I feel like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown.  She will not detach from me.  Like a child at my breast.  Once, when she regressed, she actually tried to attach herself..  Wants me to solve everything.  Does not believe she has schizophrenia.   I feel suffocated, overwhelmed.  She never stops telephoning me.  Constantly.  I've had to block her.  I don't want to, but I can't cope.  When she is not wanting me to save her, she is abusive, blaming, guilt tripping.  She phones any hour of the day or night.  Says she hates me.  She's medicated and under care of local mental health team.  Still she harasses me.  I feel like a battered 'housewife'.  I'm going under, and I'm scared for my own mental health.  I have a diagnosis PTSD from trauma when I was young.  I can't cope any longer. Is there somewhere a person of my age can go to rest?  I'm really not coping any longer.   


Re: Can't cope any longer

Hi @Climatechange 


Sorry to hear you're going through this with your daughter. It sounds really awful and so exhausting for you. Have you been in touch with any of the carer's organisations? I'll put the Australian one here but there are others too depending on your state. 


Please let me know if this is any help to you or if there is any other way SANE can support you.



Re: Can't cope any longer

Hello @Climatechange 

Here is a podcast that might be useful for your situation

You are not alone in this and we are here to connect and guide you. You are important too and you need to look after you too.

Re: Can't cope any longer

Hi, I really empathise - The feeling of guilt combined with feeling like my child is a parasite. I am being manipulated and played - They hate me and then love me whenever it is convenient. 

I immediately clicked with your expressing of feeling battered.


I hope today is a better day than yesterday.

I recommend going to your GP and asking for mental health support.