Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Dear @Libra


@@I know nothing different than you wonderful people BUT 


the most important thing thing is to care for you first. I personally think that the meditation audio book by Jon Kabat Zinn called     “ wherever you go, there you are.” You can find it on ‘YouTube I’m on my iPhone and can’t post it here. I would listen to it once per week just 5 Mins at a time until I was stronger. I’m now on the 30 minute Body scan by Jon Kabat Zinn which my support worker and I meditate to twice per week in her car. I asked for a support worker from my GP about 5 years ago and she’s been seeing me twice per week since. She does go on holidays and does get ill ...... that’s very cool by me...... we really like each other...... our time spent together is a dialogue not a monologue. 

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Haha family stuff.
I’m with my wonderful father in law who is supporting me while Me Buddha
takes responsibility for his behaviour and deciding to go to hospital.

And mum messaging me but not giving me support. I think that she remembers
herself and just doesnt really like talking to me on sensitive matters.

I get that your son is not seen properly ....... neither am I for many
years once I was hit by a car and in a coma for 6 weeks. It’s like my
family couldn’t connect with me anymore, they didn’t want to engage with
me. Ut was decided that it was too hard. Too emotional and mum still takes
it out on anger to me.

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia


You are very brave. Glad your Buddha is starting on the road to recovery. There are many medications which will straighten him out. Forget about your mother in law, like my mum, it’s much easier to blame others than face reality for many people. My mum is like that and also my wife. I become the target, but I can handle that because I’m a big boy. Like your mother-in-law my mum is an enabler as it’s too hard to face because for her my brother is still her little boy. My son is also brave because he wants to get better and stable. He is well on the road to that and I expect he will be in that stable mood range before he is discharged very soon. 


I wish you and your family well and keep moving forward and stay positive and remember you are moving in the right direction.

Please keep in touch

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hi Barbara , it’s a hard life dealing with what our medical expearment doctors diagnose our children with and then ginea pig. there medication, my son is now thirty five and been through hell and back with him ‘ it took many years for my son to actually realise he was sick with schizophrenia, now he is stuck in the medical system of forced expeariment drugs which they keep changing with his often rediagnosing from our great medical teams ‘m the system is wrong I feel , as my sons doctors and helpers don’t ever advise my son on good healthy food and exercise ! Which I have read would be the best to do things for the road to recovery for our children , they just keep changing new medications and nullifying my son ‘m if I had a lot of money I would put him to go to a proper health farm where they yeah people to live with there diagnosed conditions with natural remedies show them a healthy way of life , again healthy foods and exercise ‘m if I could get my son there , fiancilly ‘he would be on the road to recovery ‘ I live in hope ,

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia


Dear Fatherofson, What you describe in your post is very similar to what my son and myself have experienced over the past 5 or so years. I have also been through hell and back. My son was only discharged last week from his 2nd hospitalization for his schizo effective disorder this year and I hope it’s the last one for this year, he pleaded with me to never return him to that bloody place. Please don’t loose hope mate because there is a silver lining for every dark cloud. I don’t know much about your son and yourself but if I may describe my experiences briefly it may give you some hope, I have also copied a few particularly helpful members of this forum. My son had undiagnosed schizophrenia for many years and it got to the stage where he had socially isolated himself so much that all family and friends could not handle him anymore and I was the only one left to help him get thru it. He even almost isolated himself from me thru exchanges with the police where he was blaming me for his illness and I was only restraining him from harming himself. We also have been really stuffed around with medicos like you, so much so that some of the antidepressants he was given made him extremely suicidal and manic. I don’t blame anyone for all of thid because I now know how difficult such illnesses are to diagnose and prescribe medication to treat. I really agree with your comments about healthy food and exercise. This is critical and recently my son and myself became gym buddies again and I make sure we only eat really healthy food together. The final thing I would like to briefly mention here is that it’s critical that you also take care of yourself. If you are also not strong and healthy, you will have trouble walking the road to hell and back! There is definitely light at the end of the tunnel and there are many helpful members here who can help you navigate the road with your son. You are not alone.


Keep truck’n like I always say. Need to get up soon for a long drive to see my daughter who’s interstate (she was relocated largely because of my son’s illness) and also enjoy some grand final celebrations with some mates and family. Take care and keep truck’n mate

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

@Dadcaringalone@Fatherofson Hi Dadcaringalone and Fatherofson (welcome Fatherofson :)). Sorry if this post sounds a bit groggy as it is 4.40am and I have alot on today so I thought I better write it before it gets lost in today's activities to do list. Sounds like we are all on the same page.


Fatherofson I have a son with schizo (and other problems) he has been hospitalized many times with the help of the police and ambos (no fun that) and is heavily medicated (he needs to be due to his other diagnosis). He eats quite healthfully but probably not enough and that could be improved - something for me to work on with him.


I find it is a slow process but I am optimistic. We are visiting his new psychiatrist next week so hopefully that will go well (wish us luck!). 


Take care and as Dadcaringalone says 'keep trucking'.


ps: Dadcaringalone I really hope your son can stay out of hospital from now on and have a lovely trip 🙂

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hi friends, @greenpea @Barbara @Dadcaringalone @Fatherofson @Libra


And you think your groggy....... I'm up there with you @greenpea........

so so much on. 

Yes, my son at 27 years manages psychosis about half a year each year. Of course, he is on the wrong medication.......

My husband manages chronic schizophrenia .........but he is my angel. This is my life which I wouldnt change. Well, all the deep discussions of aliexpress online measured clothing style suits could stop for an hour per day.

Im here. We support each other. 




Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

@PeppiPatty PeppiPatty 🙂 xxx

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia


Good evening greenpea, just wanted to let you know that my meeting with my daughter’s new boyfriend went really well! He’s a really smart emotionally intelligent person and its beautiful how he has been taken such good care of her! It was genuinely beautiful to see two young people enjoying eachothers company so much. Thought you would like to know. Doing a conference presentation tomorrow morning then have a family function on Sunday. Hope you are doing well? Enjoy the rest of your weekend 

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

@Dadcaringalone Good morning Dadcaringalone I am so happy for you and your daughter that she has found someone who is a good, caring soul (so few these days). That must be such a relief for you :). Another conference presentation (good luck!) and have a wonderful day on Sunday with your family.


I too will be having a few family things happening and have to do a clean up for a house inspection on Wednesday :o.


Thanks for lettig me know what is happening.


Take caree


greenpea xx.