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Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

Hello Forumites 🤩


We know the Forums are a valuable mental health resource for people living with complex mental health needs; however, we understand from member feedback that there are areas of the Forums that could be strengthened.  


We are currently preparing for a co-design project that aims to identify key areas for improvement in the SANE Forums, which may inform a refresh of areas such as the Forums’ design, scope, purpose, approach, guidelines, spaces, support and user experience.


What is co-design?


Co-design means working directly with the people who use a service in order to identify issues and make improvements. This project will directly lead to improvements in the SANE Forums, aligned with the needs and wishes of Forums members. We will start working alongside forum members later this year so watch this space!


How can I be involved?


The first step of the process will be an exploratory phase to understand current issues. We plan to work with Forum members and other key stakeholders in a variety of ways, such as through a community survey and focus groups.


We will let everyone know when we have further information and are ready to get started!


All the best,



Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

Nice. I find the forum really difficult to navigate and I’m a electronic records geek. 🤓

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

Sounds great and looking forward to hearing more.

im fairly good with computers but get lost on the forums at times

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

Yes, I'm always getting lost. Keep thinking I will work it out if I just keep coming back and trying. Still no luck.

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

It does my head in just trying to find anything or things I was in before and I can't get back to now. Hope that helps with the changes you want to make to site. From @Just

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

That's certainly good to know @Just .


Thank you for the feedback

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

im only new and basically started. found it too difficult to find anything,
Came back, re read the instructions. got lost gave up
im in my 60s maybe it is just for the young clever ones

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!


I totally agree with @Bubala @Jupiter @Just @Patches59 @tonys 


I have come back after a long time being absent and still trying to find threads I use to go on and now have memory issues with 

how to use the message screen like :

  difference between the reply and quick response,   

  how to add pictures

  Knowing what all the symbols just under the Body of the message screen are


Use to know all of of that year's ago, but as retired don't use a computer or laptop anymore and forgot what they all are, especially with a bad memory 


How to get our messages back if it goes back to the other screen and forgot who you had replied to 


Trying to find threads that we would be interested in 


Reading instructions for finding threads,  how to use them,  how to posts are a bit confusing 


Hope that helps some





Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!

Hey @saturnzoon ..  fancy meeting you here.  Mate I have spent about 5 hours total trying to find a post I did before Christmas 22.  I thought I could just type in a month.  say December 22..  and see all my old post for that month.  Just  Mine.   But No.  Like most things in life, . . .   Its complicated.   Mind you..

I have learnt to do a lot since I first parked my bags in this hotel.


Big smile to you Satz.. n thanks for the tag.

Re: Forums Co-Design: A look at what’s coming!


Hey @tonys Love the way you put things with words,  you have a special gift 🎁 


I just happened to stumbled across this 😳 one, but can't remember how lol I do that a lot


Ditto with trying to find things on here 😆 🤣 


No idea how long I've taken sometimes to find something and then I end up all confused on what I was looking for in the first place  haha

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