Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Audiobooks are really good too. Like someone reading you a story.

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I absolutely love the idea of engaging with comforting things @Former-Member. It hadn't occurred to me, but I feel like it fits very well with comforting things are very restful!  

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Emotional rest is required when our emotional needs are out of balance. We may have been “giving” too much and neglected our own emotional needs, causing exhaustion, or have emotional needs that we’ve been unable to express and therefore need an outlet for. 


Have you experienced times where you’ve needed emotional rest? How have you navigated that? 


@Jazzycat @Appleblossom @Bill16 @Gwynn 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Seeing the explanation of emotional exhaustion written out, I think I most likely have experienced this without realising that it had a name! For me, navigating it often involves stopping to be more aware, and in some cases, even being a little creative- noticing if there’s a particular tone of music I might be drawn to or song I have on loop because the lyrics feel especially relatable might help me figure out what emotions might need to be given an outlet for release. Other times, the cap comes off the bottle so to speak (i.e. there’s been a big build up or bottling of emotions and there’s no more room in the metaphorical bottle holding them) and results in the cap coming off the bottle or a kind of forced release (it just happens and is difficult to control or reign in). Though I find these forced releases are less constructive and it’s still useful for me to follow up with getting creative to help further express or release what’s happened.

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

If I've been "giving" too much and have put myself out of balance, I know I need to take the time and space to reconnect with things that nurture me and fulfil my needs.

When I need emotional support myself, I know I need to reach out to others (personal networks, or services) 💗

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

As much as possible, I try not to have people around me who have a negative effect on my emotions, or who do a lot of taking and give little back. Something it has taken years for me to be able to do! Pets are great for a cuddle when you need unconditional love. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I feel that @Former-Member! It can be a really powerful, and comforting thing having others care for you in those moments 💖💗 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Spiritual rest is required when we feel an absence of meaningful things in our lives that transcend us as individuals – e.g. community, spirituality, meaning, and purpose. In which case we’d need to consciously work to engage with things that bring us meaning, when we're feeling that absence.  


Have there been times where you’ve needed spiritual rest? If you’re comfortable to share, we’d love to hear what that was like for you. 


@Jazzycat @Bill16 @Gwynn@Appleblossom 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Animals in general, though especially pets can be wonderful @Jazzycat. I've had pets before who've somehow known I might not be doing great emotionally, even before I do! 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I feel like spiritual rest can be more than what you might immediately think of in terms of something like organised religion (which I won’t get into)- it’s those things you might think of as ‘church’ but aren’t actually necessarily a literal ‘church’ like getting into nature or letting something like a piece of music carry you away. 
Do you have any idea what that 'church' might look like for you? @Jazzycat @Appleblossom @Bill16 @Gwynn