Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I can recognise that I might need a social break if I feel overwhelmed at how busy I feel with plans, with not enough time for myself.

In such times it's helpful for me to put a pause on organising catch ups with people, or even responding to messages, in order to have that time to myself and recentre. 

Or sometimes it's helpful for me to just engage in relationships that are comforting.

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

As a natural introvert, I need this everyday! I need time alone to recharge or else I just become exhausted 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

@Bill16 @Gwynn @Appleblossom @Jazzycat 


Sensory rest is needed when aspects of our environment are draining or overwhelming to us – the effects of which can range from subtle to obvious. For example, computer screens, background sounds, social stimulation, etc.  


Are there times you notice you might need a break from certain sensory input? How do you deal with these situations? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Sensory rest is a bit of a tricky one too! For me, I feel like it might be a case of adjusting what I do or having alternative/ preferable sensory inputs handy to counteract sensory input I find overwhelming or harder to tolerate. For example, I can be hypersensitive to certain smells, but if I have a little spray of a perfume I like on my wrist, I can bring that to my nose to smell instead and it will often cover up the smell I might be finding overwhelming to an extent, which somehow makes it more tolerable.


@Appleblossom, do you have any thoughts on this one? 😊 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I've become a lot more aware of my sensory needs lately! 

For one - relating to the last question - social stimulation I know drains me, so space to just myself also fulfils sensory (as well as social) needs at times. Especially when combined with with quiet. I find soft, dim lighting also gives my eyes the rest they need. 

I also got myself a pair of noise-cancelling headphones lately, which is honestly one of the best things I ever did for myself! I honestly don't know how I could get by without them, now

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I find some smells very restful and calming too - coffee brewing sometimes, a favourite food cooking, or fresh laundry, especially clean sheets 


Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Creative rest may be needed when we have been lacking in inspiration or that feeling of awe. It can come in the form of witnessing or experiencing creative expressions like photography, writing, music or art.  


What creative inputs might it be helpful for you to engage with?  


@Appleblossom @Bill16 @Gwynn @Jazzycat 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

It sounds like gentler or more subtle stimulation are more restful for you @Former-Member. Makes total sense to me! Love the go to scents @Jazzycat!  

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

For me, one of the biggest things with creative rest is engaging with stories that are expressed in a creative way- through things like theatre (in the form of a play for example), music, an artwork or a story literally written in a book as just a few forms.

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

If I find myself missing creative inspiration, its good for me to re-engage with things that inspire me or bring me comfort. This can be music, tv shows, podcasts, poetry slams, etc. 

I also love going places that inspire me (usually national parks!) and doing some photography 😊