Casual Contributor

New member

Hi, I just joined up and looking forward to sharing MH experiences with the group. I have been battling clinical depression for a few years now and have seen some incremental improvements but often feel that I am just back where I started again. Trying to stay positive but the lows are very low, particularly in the mornings.

Thanks for listening. 🙂

Peer Support Worker

Re: New member

Heya @MGD01 welcome to the forums!! Glad to have you with us 😊


I can totally understand the frustration of feeling back to where we started. I've slowly learned that even though it might feel that way, that every time I dig myself out of a hole, every time I use a healthy coping strat instead of an unhealthy one, is all part of the progress. It's never linear, but every time I show myself empathy instead of shame whenever I feel I'm going backwards, it helps. 


We've got some Tips & Tricks if you wanna take a looksie. Let us know if there's anything else you're looking for within your forums experience! I hope you find this to be a warm and welcoming community!!

Re: New member


@MGD01I hear you !! Welcome to the sane forum and sharing your experience with the community. I too suffer from depression. I can relate to how you feel. I hope you find the forum a safe and friendly place. We are all here to help and support each other. 

Re: New member

Hi and welcome, @MGD01 , it's good to have you here 🙂


I too have depression which has been severe off and on over my lifetime. 


Do you have any professional support? Like a counsellor, meds, psychologist or psychiatrist?


You can type anything into the Search bar above to find threads on that topic.


Also, a handy forum tip to tag someone is to type @ and then click on their name in the drop-down box - that way they'll get a notification that you've replied to them.


I hope you find the forums supportive 🙂


Re: New member

Thanks everyone, it is comforting to know there are people out there who care.

Re: New member

Hi @MGD01 


Welcome to the forums, which is populated by likeminded friends who offer some of the best advice around, who really seem to care and who have made me laugh out loud on more than one occassion.  I still smile to myself when I think of a certain metaphor that @Jynx used regarding iceing & a cake.


Regarding thinking you are slipping back, we all have our off days and they suck, but think more so on how far you have come from those dark days.  Everyday is a new day, and everyday we learn a wee bit more about ourselves and how we tick.  Enjoy your leraning experience.......Asgard

Re: New member

Hello @MGD01


Welcome to the forum, nice to have you here! I am one of the Peer Guide volunteers, and I can relate to what you are going through. I was diagnosed with depression, anxiety and panic attacks, one tip I can give you that works for me is, as soon as I wake up, I start thinking about something I enjoy doing, which could be a hobby or something that brings me joy and visualise that, keep thinking about it and if possible take action and do it. This method has trained my mind to concentrate on good, and positive and stopped my mind from wondering. There are lots of supportive members here to motivate and empower you, thank you for sharing your experience, don't hesitate to reach out, all the best - Take care.

Re: New member

Content/trigger warning
Thanks so much Hope2, that idea sounds good as when I awake lately I just feel a sense of doom and need to short circuit that feeling with something more positive and enjoyable. 


Re: New member

Hey @MGD01 ,


Great to see you again. What are some things you enjoy?


I have to say, I battled depression for many years. It ate up by early adulthood. It was vicious and didn't want to leave me. 


Over time, through hard work, therapy and meds, I'm in a much better place now.


I just want you to know that the MH road may be hard, but hope keeps us going.


We are here for you.

Re: New member

Thanks Tyme, good to have other people have your back a bit. Still very much a work in progress for me finding my place at present but will keep on trying to climb out of the black hole.
