Re: Running

@rav3n they said they told me, but they didn't explicitly tell me, they inadvertently told. She said she wouldn't be there, but her husband would be there, not that they would be closed door that 1 hour. For once someone expected me to read their mind for a change...

Re: Running

Hugs @avant-garde 

Re: Running



Re: Running

Hey @avant-garde ,


How are you feeling today?


Re: Running

@tyme numb, broken, lost



Re: Running

It's like re-living the trauma and the past. I'm hearing you and I hear how much it hurts right now. What are you doing to look after yourself? I know you rewarded yourself with a plushie - that's a start. So proud of your achievement. @avant-garde  It's a HUGE achievement and I'm not going to even try to say otherwise.


As for me, I'm on the mend. No complaints on my side.

Re: Running

@tyme jigsaw puzzles, reaching out as best as I can, making sure I eat and have coffee and kicking tyres with steel capped shoes

Re: Running

Kicking tyres with steel caps is a new one I've heard. Do you have the pink steel caps? I like them, but I'll never wear them so I dont' have any @avant-garde 


Do you go out with people for coffee, ever?


It sounds like you had a lovely friend who was able to go with you and stay with you that day.


You mean a lot to the community here, including me.

Re: Running


Pink is a disgusting hideous colour and I would never buy pink shoes, or pink anything. The only reason for me to ever consider anything pink is that it's my best friends favourite colour.

Mens steel cap sneakers are not pink. 


Yeah I have friends I have coffee with sometimes, also some idiots I have coffee with sometimes. 


Mostly they leave me alone and think I'm fine, even when I tell them otherwise they seem to think I don't need them.


My head is saying "I mean a lot? But I don't matter"

It's hard to argue with it right now if I'm honest

Re: Running

Fair enough @avant-garde . Each to their own. Yes, some people can't stand pink - and you're one of them.


Is there anyone from your church you can connect with?