Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

My spiritual resting used to be going camping and hiking and spending time in nature. It makes me feel rejuvenated and connected to myself. These days it's more about parks and libraries for me and I get a similar experience though not as complete. I do have great parks and libraries though so it's about as good as that spirituality can get. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I'm not religious, but music for me is very powerful and healing 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

This point ties in with a few others that already came up - for one, getting out of the city and into nature is really valuable for me to connect with my sense of self and my place in the world, when I'm feeling otherwise disconnected. 

A sense of connection to things greater than me can come about through creative events and community (e.g. poetry slams). 

This can also involve taking leave from work if its been a while, and also consciously taking the time to reconnect with things that provide meaning in my life, if I've become a bit detached. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

@TideisTurning, I'm still finding the flyout menus at the top of the screen get in the way of me browsing the forum and replying to topics.  I raised this with @Former-Member when the site design changed as an accessibility issue, which still hasn't been fixed.  😞 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Absolutely @RiverSeal! Nature spots can be so amazing and music too @Jazzycat. Now I think about it, I'm wondering if my church might be connection with those things I find most comforting. Waterfalls in nature, certain people who are supportive, music that especially resonates.

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Hi @Gwynn, we hear you! Thank you for letting us know - we'll take this feedback forward again to try and get that issue fixed 😊

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Thank you to everyone who joined this evening, whether that was responding or reading along! 😊 @Jazzycat @RiverSeal @Bill16 @Gwynn @Appleblossom 


A big thank you also to @TideisTurning!   


We will soon close this discussion for the night.


Take care and I hope you can all have a restful evening – however you might need that to be 💗

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Thanks so much everyone @Jazzycat @RiverSeal @Gwynn @Bill16 for being here, sharing your perspectives and sharing this space with us. 😊 Take care of yourselves & have a restful evening! ❤️