Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Welcome @Former-Member 🙂 We have about ten minutes left with our friend @Robert_Lifeline Heart

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

I think there is an expectation (from myself and others)  - that I should be happy at this time of year.  Christmas celebrations.  New Year ahead.  S9 I should be cheerful and not let the depression take over. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Dogs are incredible during this time of year (and all times of year haha) 🙂 @Zoe7 Thank you for sharing.

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member  Yes, good points. We get it from all angles - the narrative that xmas should be a happy time.. The stigma is there for sure and we may be in families where pain, negative emotion and states etc, are brushed under the carpet.. I think a lot of the help seekers to Lifeline feel safe in the experience of being able to express their true feelings about xmas time 

Given we may be bombarded by this 'be happy' message it might help to choose who you follow on social media or disconnect altogether from some sites - at least think about what serves us and what doesn't and choose accordingly

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Love the notion of a social media disconnect, a lot of self-empowerment in that. @Robert_Lifeline

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member I agree dogs and pets are awesome! I have a pet bird who always talks nicely to me 🙂

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Okay thanks @Former-Member,


Sorry if I'm repeating a question I haven't read through to see what's already been asked.


I have a hard time with the Christmas season especially Christmas day for two reasons I never experienced the excitement of Santa as I was made to help wrap presents for my siblings whenever we were in my mothers care and two is one year in foster care I experienced a traumatic experience on Christmas Day and so it is just a reminder of hardship to and I have trouble seperating myself from that to properly enjoy Christmas with my son what strategies could I use to help

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

Last year I unplugged from fb ( only social media I do) for

mist of December, found I was a lot calmer not watching everyone else jumping out of their skins with joy and excitement when I felt the total opposite.  I don’t begrudge anyone their happiness, kudos to them if they can feel it, but it’s hard to see everyone else so happy when I feel so sad and excluded

Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

In terms of choosing what you want to follow..

The Gottman Institute on Facebook is a great resource for self-care (or get on their email list) 

There is a new app out (so many good apps I'm sure) called TufMINDS, also, which is all things self-care


Re: Topic Tuesday // How do you support yourself through the festive season // Tues 11 Dec, 7pm AEDT

@Former-Member  I wonder if you can start creating your own meaning around xmas? Create your own rituals, etc - in terms of reclaiming that time for your self