Re: New check in post

Hi @Maggie , thanks for the coffee, most welcome 🙂 Did you have a rough night too? 

Very sorry to hear about your rough night, @Lee71 .

I posted on your other thread, before I saw this one. 

Re: New check in post

@NatureLover  I'm here

Re: New check in post

Hello! Really happy to see you, Lee 🙂


How much sleep did you end up getting? (No need to answer if you'd rather not)



Re: New check in post

@NatureLoverabout 2 hrs I think

Re: New check in post

Oh gosh, that's pretty terrible, sorry to hear, Lee 😞


If you don't want to talk today, I can sit with you @Lee71 

Re: New check in post

@NatureLoverit's ok . I'm so over it

Re: New check in post

@Lee71 wrote:

@NatureLoverit's ok . I'm so over it

Yes, I bet you are 😞


Want to sit and have a coffee with me? How do you like your coffee?


Re: New check in post

Sorry to hear you haven't had much sleep @Lee71 

Can you have a nap today at all?


Re: New check in post

@NatureLover wrote:

@Lee71 wrote:

@NatureLoverit's ok . I'm so over it

Yes, I bet you are 😞


Want to sit and have a coffee with me? How do you like your coffee?



Ok. Milk + 2 sugar please


Re: New check in post

That's similar to me - I have milk and 1 sugar. 


Coffee for you

Coffee for me

