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Something’s not right

Re: Morning has broken

@Snowie, I hope so too. I just had an aura and one side of my body feels weaker than the other. Migraines are weird

Re: Morning has broken

Hubby gets migraines too @creative_writer and gets auras. So hard to,deal with, my heart goes out to you.

Hopefully it doesn't last for too long

Re: Morning has broken

@creative_writer  Sorry to hear 😢 Hoping your migraine goes away very soon 🤞

Re: Morning has broken

@Eve7  Hoping your pdoc appt today goes well... Sending 💛

Re: Morning has broken

Hey @Snowie, @Eve7, @NatureLover, I hope you are all doing well 💖. I’m doing better than yesterday, still have a heavy head. I feel like I ought to have brought pain relief at uni, there is no way I’m walking outside in the scorching sun to buy pain relief. I’m in the air conditioned uni building yet feel so hot

Re: Morning has broken

Glad you are doing better then yesterday @creative_writer 

Shame there isn't a drive thru chemist. Stay in the air con car whilst you gets some meds.

Hoping the pain settles down for you 💗

Re: Morning has broken

@Snowie, I don’t have a car on me, I get to uni by PTV. This loud music feels so irritating😫. I’m not really enjoying this social event

Re: Morning has broken

@creative_writer do you have to hang around or can you go home early? Loud music isn't my favourite either.

Re: Morning has broken

@Snowie, still waiting for food. My migraine and ASD aren’t holding up well right now

Re: Morning has broken

Thats not good @creative_writer 

I hope food comes soon so you can go home after that. I always feel better once I'm home


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