Senior Contributor

Mental health communication cards

I made these cards a while ago. Haven’t really used them too much up until recently when I needed to send one to my SW. 


I find communicating verbally really difficult at times and that’s why I made them. 

i only have these 6 at the moment and after today I realise that I really need some more but my stupid head isn’t working too well today and wondering if the community could help me out with some suggestions of what they would potentially find helpful in a communication card? 



Re: Mental health communication cards

I love these @Bow what a great idea!

I'm really interested to see what ideas other's have too

Re: Mental health communication cards

@Bow i don't have any suggestions but I just wanted to say that I love your cards and it's such a brilliant idea 😊.

Re: Mental health communication cards

I have a few ideas...

  • Needing help enforcing boundaries when something happens
  • Needing company with no pressure to talk but not handling being alone
  • Being touched, sometimes I can't handle being touched when I'm triggered
  • Feeling overwhelmed and needing to remove yourself

Re: Mental health communication cards

Great idea @Bow . When I've worked with teenagers in the past, I've given them emotions cards to use. They were super effective.


With the younger children, we give them each of the Inside Out characters. Yours are great to utilise when things are just too hard to say @Bow 

Re: Mental health communication cards

Thanks @Ru-bee @Gremlin24 @avant-garde @tyme 


those are some good ideas @avant-garde 


@Jynx i wanna see if I can print that scale out small enough and clear enough to then stick on a card. 

I’ve added a few more 


Re: Mental health communication cards

OMG @Bow I love these so much!! And the nostalgia of the 'Little Miss/Little Mr' vibe is just too good!! Really cool and super creative idea!! Feel like we have spoken about this kinda thing in the past? Is this the manifestation? Love it 😍

Re: Mental health communication cards

Yep @Jynx  we have spoken about these before. Probably back when I did the original 6. I think I want to add a couple more too. 

Re: Mental health communication cards

Can't wait to see all of em together when you finish @Bow  😍