Senior Contributor

I'm not ok...

How do I tell someone in not ok. 

I tell lifeline and the cops were here at 3am. I tell crisis team when they start shift they say what do you expect and there's nothing we can do. I'm too scared to tell my friends because they get scared I'll do x again. 

So I'm saying it here. I'm not ok. I'm really not ok. I'm far from ok and I don't know what to do about it. 


Re: I'm not ok...

I'm so sorry no one will hear you - keep trying! Try a different service - lifeline? Parentline (If you're a parent)? DV hotline? Please keep asking for help. Are you suicidal?

Re: I'm not ok...

Here with you @The-red-centaur.

Re: I'm not ok...

It's ok to not be ok. Have you tried (if in NSW) the mental health helpline?

Re: I'm not ok...

@Cats4life suicidal idk.
@Sans911 thanks
@Gwynn I'm in Tassie, no point trying our mental health helpline though.

Re: I'm not ok...

Hello @The-red-centaur just wanted to say I read your post and I'm sorry it's so hard. I am glad that you are here on the forum.

Re: I'm not ok...

I don't know what to say anymore. I want to give up. What's the point of reaching out.

And if hurts. A lot. I tried to tell my GP yesterday I wasn't coping with the pain. What she did was halve my pain meds??? Wtf. I saw prosthetics about mg feet today. They've referred me back to orthopedics for more surgery.

And what's the point in trying to recover...I don't want to try anymore...weight gain is too complicated..I'm just gonna stop eating again I think. Better that way.
Not applicable

Re: I'm not ok...

Hi @The-red-centaur 

I have just been reading your post and it sounds like you are really doing it hard this evening. Good on you for reaching out on the forum. Please hang in there and I hope that you can get some relief from the pain soon. And please consider getting some nutrition.

Look after yourself,


Re: I'm not ok...

I f.n hate myself rn.....too many fnnn c*lories.....<br>why can't I just accept the fact I have bulimia and tell my friends that I relapsed. It's obvious I've lost x kgs so why is it so hard for me tell people 'I can't eat that' so j don't have to self harm because I ate around friends. Food makes me want to die....why.

Re: I'm not ok...

Pain is bad fn hurts...