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Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Night @amber22 


just logged in and saw your message. How did it go yesterday? Did you get to your appointment okay? X

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

maybe a blessing in disguise @Shaz51? Everyone needs a relaxing time. What did you do to relax?

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Ha ha @Former-Member 

We Watched TV in the aicon while Mr shaz watched your tubes on his phone 

And I played " words with friends " on my phone 

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

I haven’t played that for ages @Shaz51. i’m disappointed that no one in my house likes play scrabble with me any more 😢

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Awww @Former-Member 

My husband does not like playing any games 

I grew up playing scrabble,  canasta, monopoly,  ect 

How about you and @tyme 

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Canasta!! All the childhood memories 😁


I love games, yet I am surprisingly not competitive. I just like having to think about things, I like a good mental challenge. 


Re: Meet the Peer support workers

I'm over playing computer games @Shaz51 - spent my childhood wasting time on computer games. Hours... to the point that I didn't sleep, eat or even use the toilet!


Other games I played were mastermind, uno, jenga, operation, pictionary....


I didn't like Monopoly - took too long to finish.



Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hey @Shaz51 


Sorry for the long delay, I'm unfortunately not on the forums as often as I'd like to be!


My birthday is on January 17th, thanks for asking! 😄

Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hey @Former-Member ❤️

I'm going well - taking it slow today as I feel like listening to my body today. 

I did get to my appointment okay, thanks for checking in. I get very anxious about the doctors and anything medical related so it was a big win for me afterwards. 


How are you going today? 🙂

Warm regards,



Re: Meet the Peer support workers

Hey @amber22 


Embrace the wins! 

Isn’t it funny how much better we feel when we actually listen to our bodies. I had a conversation with someone earlier today, and we spoke about eating habits. I have been lucky over the last few years to have the flexibility with work and my day-to-day routines that I can eat when I’m hungry. I remember working at other places and having a scheduled lunch break, and I always overate or under ate depending on when it was scheduled. Needless to say, listening to my body and eating when I’m actually hungry, has really stabilised a lot of my eating habits (better food) and boosted my immunity and overall well-being. Sometimes our bodies are a little bit tricky in letting us know what they need when there’s a lot going on, but if you’re in the right mind frame and space to listen to it and follow its direction, it can make a world of difference overall. 

My day has been good, it has been sunny here for days now, but rainy and cold today. I have taken it on board though, because I feel for all the people who have been affected by constant rain and floods. Plus, because it hasn’t rained here for a little while, it had that nice fresh smell and not that yucky, damp smell that happens when it doesn’t stop. 

How has the rest of your day been?

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