Senior Contributor

How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

This thread is dedciated to making each other laugh Smiley LOL

There's an old saying, 'laughter can be the best medicine'. I myself enjoy a good chuckle from the bottom of my belly that brings me close to tears. It does wonders for my well-being. 

Some things that make me laugh are: 

- Watching stand up comedy such as Die Roten Punkte, Flight of the Concords and Stand Up for Mental Health (if you don't mind black humour)

- Spending time with funny people - my niece and nephew are a barrel of laughs. It's great to see the world through their eyes.  

- Watching funning movies and shows (The show 'Friends' and New Zealand movie 'Boy' are old favourites)


What about you?


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Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

Yes, I also love Stand Up for Mental Health. I actually love their black humour. Being a carer often deprives us of the opportunity to laugh easily.When things become particularly bleak, we simply feel there's nothing funny to laugh at anywhere in our lives any more. But I have met lots of carers who find relief in 'black humour'. You really need to be in the company of other carers to exercise it though....people who understand....otherwise it can be frowned upon. I read an article once about how ambulance paramedics use black humour for temporary release during their long and gruelling days on the road.
Sharing a bit of black humour with other carers is healthy and continues to confirm that one is not alone.

Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

Bad dad/pirate joke for the day;

Why are pirates called pirates?
They just aRRRRRRRR


Yep... I will just leave you with that one 🙂


Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

This one is for everyone feeling a bit down/


A horse walks into a bar and the bartender says "why the long face"?



Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

Here's another bad/dad joke:


Why is the SEA WET??


Because the SEA WEED! Smiley LOLSmiley Very HappySmiley Tongue

Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

PERFECT! Ya got to love a good bad joke!



Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

Hi BeHappy


I woke up feeling good so I just can't resist throwing in SEA BED here to start my day with a cheeky grin and giggle.


Have a fantastic day



Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?

Hehehehe, I love it! Smiley Very Happy

Sea-ing we're on a roll...




Re: How can we brighten our days with laughter? What are your jokes, thoughts, ideas?



We need to develop some sort of 'black humour' to keep sane. Here is one carer's journal entry re 'black humour' re her daughter  who lives with schizophrenia and obsessive compulsive disorder .......

"This evening I poured myself a glass of white wine while I was preparing dinner. Heather  stormed into the kitchen, ranting and raving about the evils of alcohol and the wrath of God.
I reminded her that Jesus Himself possessed the gift of turning water into wine so if it was good enough for him it was good enough for me. She eventually agreed and poured herself a large coffee mug of wine and I was sorry I ever brought the subject up.
All day we argued about her application to join the BIG BROTHER household . She insisted that a holiday on the Gold Coast would do her the world of good. I pointed out that she might be a bit of a challenge to the other housemates, especially when she went through her routine of touching the door knob of the communal  bathroom 220 times before entering an leaving. She castigated me for being negative and made the phone call anyway."