Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Sounds good @Clawde. 🙂 I'll supply some gingernuts for dipping.

How's your day been?



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

I Love Gingernuts @Smc Yes please.....


I finished the Western Power Online Training Module (for Traffic Management) this afternoon – it took me 5 & ½ hours.

It was so technical & complicated, information & procedures that I will probably never be able to use for any work I do.


Now I have 2 more Training Modules to go (for Traffic Management) – of about another 8 hours.

Then the 3 day full-time Traffic Management Course, in 1 & ½ weeks time.


I did the White Card (Construction Safety Induction) Course & got my White Card, a few weeks ago.



Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hello @Smc  delicious Thankyou, that made my morning.
going well over here,  got the 2nd COVID shot now waiting to get sick so a lot have told me how sick they got, but not yet just a sore arm are you, would you like another Hot Chocolate 😃

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Sitting down having a morning cuppa with my Hubby at the moment @Clawde. 🙂

Yay on second shot. 🙂 Whether or not you'll feel crummy is fairly random. The second one knocked me back for a few days, but Hubby had hardly any problems. I'd made sure there were a few frozen "easy meals" in the freezer in case we needed them, so I was able to rest up while I got over it.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hi love go eBay Uber eats what ever if your with a male it's always cheaper go figger female pay more over all why I don't I don't know buts it's true fairdinkum it's the way it is 🙃

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Hey @Clawde ,


Hope you feel okay after your second shot. I was told the second Pf shot is worse than the first (opposite for AZ), but I had no issues. I think the sore arm pain was worse for the first Pf shot though.


Have a good rest tonight.


I swung by this thread because....yes, I want HOT CHOCOLATE!!!


hello @Faith-and-Hope @Smc @Adge 

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

👋💕️ @BPDSurvivor @Clawde @Smc @Adge @Anastasia @Determined ..... anyone else around

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Evening All!

It's Younger Daughter's 17th birthday today. I'm holding @Adge to blame for inspiring me to make Black Forest Cake for her... imperfect, but should be yummy.

Choc sponge cake split in half, doused with cherry brandy and groggy cherry+cranberry mixture spread over bottom half.

BFcake1 copy.JPG

Cake halves layered togehter with cherry mixture in between.

BFcake2 copy.JPG

Covered with whipped cream that got slightly overbeaten, so it's a bit grainy but still tastes good. Top decorated with more cherries+cranberries, chop drops and mini marshmallows. Slightly untraditional but who cares!

BFcake3 copy.JPG

Not pictured- the awful moment when the cake overbalanced as i was attempting to put it in the fridge... Smiley Surprised So one side got a bit damaged. I couldn't do it over, it took too long, so I carefully rearranged it and promised myself that I'd eat the affected part... ooops.

Dinner's cooking now. Homemade sausage rolls, potato gems and vegs. Sort of a fun-treat dinner instead of a gourmet one. Haven't made sausage rolls for a long time either. 🙂 Looking forward to relaxing and eating.

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Oh you're such a great Mumma @Smc 🌹

Happy birthday to your daughter, enjoy your yummy cake and dinner 💐🎉🎁🌸🌹

Re: Hot Chocolate Anyone ?

Happy birthday to your daughter @Smc 🥳🥳🎊🎊🎉🎉🎂🎂🍰🍰🥰❤

Hello @Anastasia , @Faith-and-Hope , @BPDSurvivor , @Clawde , @Determined , @Adge