Senior Contributor

Stressed TW

I'm soooo stressed.

They might involuntarily feed me. I'm terrified.

TAFE is scaring me and i can't do it.

My boyfriend wants sex and I'm just shutting down.

Passing out is a thing now.

Shaking is like 24/7

Sleep doesn't happen.

I'm tired of pain.

I want my body to work.

Emergency refuses to treat me now.

I saw my psychologist this morning. She see I've given up.

I'm really scaring myself now.

I am safe though.


Re: Stressed TW

@The-red-centaur that's a lot to have on your mind all at once! Sounds exhausting. I'm sending you hope and self-compassion tonight Heart


What's planned for the rest of tonight to keep you occupied? 

Senior Contributor

Re: Stressed TW

Hi @The-red-centaur,


One step at a time. 


TAFE will be ok, you can never fail in TAFE. Worst case scenario, you just need to resubmit.  


I hope your partner will care for you instead of just asking for sex. It's not an appropriate time.


If a hospital refused you, try a different one which will take you in. 


Otherwise, just sleep this through and by the time you wake up the next morning, talk a walk in the park under the sun and breathe in the fresh air. It will help you reduce your anxiety and get you back in perspective.


Take care!


i feel you_lowres.jpg



Re: Stressed TW

Hi Red, just checking in to see how you're doing. Thinking of you. - Mod.

Re: Stressed TW

Im seeing my GP today to find out about to get a referral to go to Melbourne for treatment. Im facing the prospect of an involuntary medical admission. I'm scared. I don't want that but my ed is ruining everything but I don't want food. The thought of refeeding make me terrified. It's not even about the weight anymore. I just don't want anything inside me. I can't.
And I have to go because I'm getting my injection today so I can't just not show up and I also have sh thats gettimg medically addressed too by my GP.

I'm not going to look at TAFE til Thursday coz I'm way too stressed.

Re: Stressed TW

@The-red-centaur  💞💞💞

Re: Stressed TW

@Maggie thank you.

I'm feeling a little better after 4 more hours if sleep.

I've been very sleep deprived which make anxiety 100x worse.

Re: Stressed TW

@The-red-centaur  sorry to read how overwhelmed you felt last night. It sounded scary. 😞


I hope your GP appointment today goes well... I can understand you don't want an involuntary admission for your ED, but am really concerned about what'll happen if you continue to not eat or drink.


Sending wishes for strength and hope. 

Re: Stressed TW

@NatureLover thank you.
I'll be ok. I'll let you know how it goes.

Re: Stressed TW

Coffee from my favourite cafe in the sun before my appointments. Trying to chill. I can do this.