Re: Son with constant termoil

It is only here that one finds the real stories of what is happening or NOT in mental health .It often worries me when the TV programs  after reporting some event say to the viewers that if this has raised concerns for them to ring Lifeline.How good IS lifeline?i think they are amateurs given in house training .We have a Mental Health Access line which does triage over the phone.Haven't used it for a long time so don't know how well it works.As for GP,s have to find the right one..but sometimes they can get you to see the Local Health Service's mental health teM.

Re: Son with constant termoil

Hi Mohill,
Thanks for your words. I think your right about informing his therapist,it seems that every other day he is just debilitated by emotion, and yes it's extreme, he keeps saying you don't know what's in his head, and of course we don't and never pretend to but do empathise with his pain.
I have felt guilt the last couple of times in that I've felt annoyed with him, frustrated, but it just wears you down, please know we support him in every possible way. And your right, those struggling with mental health do perhaps let it out with the ones closest. As I know he isn't as full on around others. Boy I feel like a ranting whining mother. I do find it's hard to express my feelings to others, other than my husband.
Glad I have found this forum to speak with others.
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Re: Son with constant termoil

hello @Jbck

nice to see you again

feeling guilt, shame, anger,  frustration all very natural feelings when caring for someone whom appears to not have motivation or desire to go on.  This is aside from someone having a mental illness.

It is a good thing that you recognise and acknowledge these not bury them

the love and determination that you continue to hold for your son is inspiring

You rant all you want....if you want to call it whine all you want...try not to berate yourself..

I work very hard at living in the now....not always successful....a work in progress

Not applicable

Re: Son with constant termoil

hello @Jbck

Thought that I would just pass by and see how you are today? also to see if your son is feeling any less distressed?

No need to reply with a lengthy response if you are busy or just have no energy left.

I do understand.

Thinking of you


Re: Son with constant termoil

Hello @Jbck, how are you today xx

Hello @Former-Member, @williamtell, @jude, @Bluebottles

Re: Son with constant termoil

Hi, I'm feeling a bit less overwhelmed at the moment, having a few days break, I mean that in the kindest possible way!
Been living with his behaviour for over 15 years but some times I just get fed up!
Mind you he's taught me so much and opened my eyes which would have otherwise been closed.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.