Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia


Thanks for your messages which are a highlight of my day! Yes, I agree that it’s not surprising but I have sent a few pretty strongly worded emails recently and I am now starting to get the response which is appropriate for my son Disability. The thing that I thought was uncomprehenable was that the university developed a disability academic plan for my son with appropriate adjustments then just let this one particular academic broke this protocol they setup to satisfy his own so called ”smart” credentials. I have seen his course content and I personally think its a bit light on, but as you say, it goes to show that even if you are a lecturer, it doesn’t mean you are smart. They know all the theories in the world but lack the practical lived experience.


Taking my son out this afternoon for leave to celebrate him stopping his antidepressants. Trying to do everything I can to make sure he’s not institutionalized. It’s important he keeps engaged with the real world, maybe someone should take academics out of their universities more often?! We got a type of apology on behalf of one of their outpatient colleagues yesterday who hadn’t even bothered to read my son’s notes and didn’t even know the diagnosis! It’s a particularly difficult illness to diagnose so I don’t hold anything against them but not doing any reading prior to meeting a new patient is inexcusable. As a consequence my son felt his last admission for a month was a complete waste of time.


Glad you didn’t buy an island. My son has been reassured by many people including his current social worker that these symptoms are normal. His doctor is going to provide him with a letter so he can try and return some of the items he bought which he now is starting to see that he didn’t really need.


Have a great day greenpea and keep your sense of humour because its the best defence to get you through the dark days because life’s pretty funny!

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

@Dadcaringalone Good morning Dadcaringalone lol you are a funny one you put a smile on my face. Life is pretty funny isn't it :D. I agree with your sentiments that ' take academics out of their universities more often?! ' I think taking them out of their ivory towers is a great idea. I have a degree in Politics and Philosophy  which I studied for when I was totally manic. I don't think I could do it now .... but I don't think I would want to go back to university either ... anyway all of that is in the future. I donk know if my lil grey cells could take on study again.


Enjoy your time out with your son. The weather looks perfect for it :). I hope you are able to return most of your son's bought goods. That I am sure will make your son feel a bit more in control over his moods. Again have a lovely day with your son.greenpea xxx

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

@Dadcaringalone Hi Dadcaringalone good luck with your meeting this afternoon. I hope it all goes well for you and your son. 


ps: Are you really going away for a conference next week to discuss the teachings of an 88 year old monk?!

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia


Thanks for your message! The university finally gave in and agreed to our request so I have saved this one subject for my son! So happy about this. But now the problem is I have to get my son motivated to do this on the weekend during his leave. We are going to start this afternoon.


Yes, I am attending this conference because the chief Psychologist from the hospital said don’t worry he’s in good hands and I should do something for myself and I got accepted to do deliver this conference paper months ago. My son also encouraged me to go and said please go dad because it’s good for you and by that time I will be sick of you. I’m only going to be away for three days and I believe it’s important to have some ”me time” with everything that has happened recently!


I bought my son sushi for lunch to celebrate his first day fully off antidepressants!! So happy for him.

Have a great weekend.

Gotta run, take care

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

@Dadcaringalone Great news Dadcaringalone :)! have a fabulous weekend. greenpea

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Dear @Dadcaringalone and @greenpea, I’ve read as much as I can on your dialogue and I so learned things about my own oldest son and well both your stories are so interesting - @greenpea cute funny and ....... amazingly impromptu pearly girl ! 

I can really relate to your children @Dadcaringalone. How is your son ? My oldest son is so loved by me. I used to visit him once per year he lives on East of Australia in Queensland I live in Western Australia. My son has gone through a very difficult time, they both have. They are both managing their lives well. I’ll write more about that tomorrow. Thankyou to both of you for your messages 

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia


Nice to hear from you. Glad our posts help. I sometimes feel like I’m getting a bit too close to @greenpea but she’s so funny and supportive that its nice to have someone and a group of other friends cheering for you. It’s reassuring to know you have virtual friends here. I’m trying my best with my son who seems to be stabilizing but its a bloody long road. I am getting pretty drained visiting him every day in hospital but trying my best to make sure he doesn’t become institutionalized and the other patients and staff don’t destroy his confidence and positivity. He told me last night one of the other patients asked him “why are you in here?” My son didn’t want to answer but this guy told him that he was following this woman around for 3 weeks continually and the girl’s boyfriend said stop and he hit him and now he’s in here! My son said to me so obviously he’s a stalker so he’s not really enjoying being around some of these people because it’s not good for him. But he’s there voluntarily so can technically leave when he wants if he can get a doctor to sign him out. I feel like he’s probably there for another week or two. He’s stabilized one medication but need to do one more and monitored that he’s stable first.


Tell us more about your son and daughter. Maybe we can help. I miss my daughter who lives interstate but I know she’s happy and really needs to live her own life. She’s also better away from my son’s recent pretty volitile mood swings because she’s at a formative stage of her identity formation with her friends and boyfriend and my son’s mood swings are often very personal and pretty hurtful even though he doesn’t mean it. The mood stabilizer he has recently been put on will make things better.  I need to care for him thou because he’s been exhibiting pretty risky behavior recently so I’ve had to reorganize my life around him to support him and get him to the stage of his younger sister. Take care and enjoy your weekend.

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Dear Barbara,

I pray the LORD gives you the strength to continue.

God Bless

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Dear @Dadcaringalone

I’ve tagged you in another post so you can say good day to is all ..... you are a very clever person: your son will pick up that your getting exhausted and unfortunately you will need to take a day off. I can completely empathise ...... but also you must stay strong ...... who will be there for him when he gets out of hospital ? 

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Dear @Dadcaringalone and @greenpea,

I haven't been contributing much, but I have enjoyed reading your posts...Dadcaringalone, to me you are Dadawesome and greenpea, to me you are sweetpea. Your post always teach and entertain me!

My journey with my son (with schizophrenia) has been really good lately. I'm not sure if I mentioned, but the tribunal continued his community treatment order till January 2019...which I was extremely happy about, but son wasn't. Though he is learning to cope very well with disappointments. He seems very balanced now. We have the occasional day when he tells me he has transistors implanted in his head and that he has a heart murmur. But can tell let me know that he isn't having a good day and we can talk about it.

He has been granted the disability support pension so now has a little extra money and looking for his own unit. We go to open house inspections together, which he arranges, and he also collates all the information to hand into real estates to apply! No luck yet, but he keeps trying. He also can afford phone credit now, and is trying online dating...eeek, lol. I wished him luck. He has also had the occassional visit to a mates place, to hang out and watch the footy!

He just seems like he is turning a page...

A little bit about my life...I have stopped taking the mild anti-depressants I was on and haven't felt better! It's only been 3 weeks now, but my mind feels so much clearer and I have been listening to Oprah's "super souls" podcasts when I get time to myself and just feel a great peace. Whenever I get anxious, I bring myself back to NOW and remember what a beautiful world it is, and that everything is going to be OK.

Well I wish everyone here peace and strength, and thanks again for your posts and listening to mine. 

Cheers Libra xoxo