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Re: Loneliness

Hey @tonys  that's awesome. You have creative words in mind.

Re: Loneliness

thankyou @Tilz   @greenpea   n All .  Book keeper came home and fixed up my spelling mistake.


Lushes,  meant to be luscious.   spell check always digs me deeper.   can't spell to save my life.

I better get back to work..     Have a beautiful evening everyone.                             tonys..             

Re: Loneliness

@tonys  beautiful swaying of the soul, moved by your words, as always 🙂🌺

I was reading some short stories I wrote before I received an acquired brain injury (I was tidying up a bookshelf and discovered them sleeping there) and realised much of the ebb and flow of language as an emotion has gone from my brain. I didn’t recognise my own words but for the neat handwriting I used to have before the shake induced by damage. 
This three dimensional piece of writing of yours which you’ve kindly shared has brought a rare glimpse into a world mostly closed off behind walls that were built the day I was injured. 
For this I owe you a heartfelt thanks 🙂🌺🦩

Re: Loneliness

Hello  @PinkFlamingo ,,   I would not be so sure about those walls you speak of.    I read between the space of your words and  wonder if all that is needed is one deep breath,  to rekindle your embers.

A few years ago,  the  long,  sleep sickness, had me buttressed, to  a,  time and confidence,  deep freeze.

I,     like you,   have those dusty boxes,  upon boxes of,  pre  apocalypse paper.   And now its a constant 

battle not to give in and reach for them.  But post apocalyptic work is a must,  and I so hope you...   try.


I have no idea really of proper spelling, grammar, average bag of words.  But still,  I send paper kites

 every day to anyone who'll take them.   Funny thing is. . .  the screwed up ball of papers I throw in the bin,  is often the rubbish  they want more of.   Mate . . .  I would give,    Anything...  for your word bag.


You won't forgive me for saying this,  but I feel it is incumbent upon you to share at least some of the dust from your stories with us.   I have a dude that I owe half a dozen short stories too,  and mate..

I shouldn't laugh but,  I still haven't  finished them.  Told him a month,  then blocked his number.   He will,   get them but I don't have your skill at narrative.  I'm 4 dimension guy,  and unless you get lucky

with someone wanting lyrics for rap or crap tunes,  its a ticket to weight loss..  Please make  use of your gifts @PinkFlamingo . .


Hey @Oaktree   How's yours coming along.  You had a peach of an Idea.   Hope your into it.   Gravy.

I haven't forgotten.  Just have less than zero time lately.     @greenpea ..  You sound like you shed your grey Autumn leaves and already have spirited  buds of spring about you.  You'll have a beaut winter between,   to be sure  my friend.  

@StuF   I'm going to wish you the best birthday now,  just in case I miss you on you special day.

I have another  "thing"  to attend to this weekend,  so I just say now.   Have a beauty my friend.

Its a privilege knowing you.  Come back safe.

@TAB   all that excess brain clutter.  Channel it all into those studies mate.  Best wishes .

@Glisten    the solicitor.. ?      She sounds like a Tasmanian devil,  You hire her..

@SmilingGecko ..    Got  Your letter on my wall n I'm working. . .Hard to it..    Hope you and @Historylover 

@Emelia8    @ENKELI  @LoveandHope  @Meowmy  @Shaz51  and  @Tilz   thanks Tilz...

@PeppiPatty    @cloudcore   eye of the storm,  just magic..  @saturnzoon   and all the other 

Street  injured  fauna,   that come to heal in this place..   find peace and kindness .


I'll be a bit sparce for a week or 3 .     My lazy ass is actually working ..  bye gentle souls..

@Jynx   Is a favour asked twice,   once to often.    A  Spare room at the motel . . ?                               Bless you mate..                                       tonys..







Re: Loneliness

Thanks @tonys 


(A little secret, you've ended up wishing me On the special day. Thanks!)



Re: Loneliness

Wishing you a happy birthday to @StuF 😊 Hope it is close my friend 


Hey @tonys 😁


@PinkFlamingo , @Tilz thinking you are awesome here 😎

Re: Loneliness

Happy Birthday @StuF 

Hope it has been wonderful!

Re: Loneliness

Oh I'm freaking out today - but just read your post - 

Iv had acquired head injury - multiple scars through my brain, non essential tremor in my hands, sometimes through body, get very overwhelmed easily. 


I do feel isolated because for many years I didn't understand why I go on a tangent all the time while speaking.  


@PinkFlamingo did you work before your head injury or study ?? Please don't answer if I'm triggering you.... 🌹🌿

Re: Loneliness

Hey @PeppyPatti ,


Thank you for sharing. I'm sorry you have experienced this difficulty in your like. It sounds like the ABI was quite challenging for you as you didn't understand its effects.


Are there things that help you navigate life a bit better?


Please know we are here if you need a chat.

Peer Support Worker

Re: Loneliness

Grande Suite for you, always @tonys 😊

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