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Looking after ourselves

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

That's so fantastic. Welcome back @Faith-and-Hope.

I'm watching Virgin River. It's a Netflix series about a nurse. I actually didn't realise the main character was a nurse until I started to watch it. It seems OK so far. Beautiful scenery.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Probably would be something I would like then @Sans911 - love some good scenery in a series. I am still watching tennis - our Australian player is playing really well and is in with a chance but he is playing the best in the world so it will be tough.


Anything on tomorrow? Finishing off the sorting and cleaning for me.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I have the op shop again in the afternoon. I really must get to the library to return my overdue books. And I need to go to the police about the theft incident from a couple of weeks ago (with my op shop team). I have two phones to give them and photos of the possible theives.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Oh I didn't read about that @Sans911 What kind of low lifes steal from a charity - some people are just not nice at all Smiley Sad I hope the police catch them - grr!

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Well it ended up being a quieter day than planned. Our op shop was closed with immediate effect just before 12pm today (WA time). And all our charity's op shops around Australia did the same. If you've been watching the news, my charity that I volunteer for, as well as others, have been caught up in a big scandal about the withholding of donated funds for bushfirerrelie.We had the most amount donated. So today there has been some sort of security threat directed at the Melbourne head office (and possibly the op shops) that has been the reason for the closures and also a temporary social media blackout.

I'm hoping most of my friends here won't judge me or offer their opinions on my charity directly here. There has been enough on social media. I might not necessarily agree with what they are doing, but the media has also been responsible for its handling of these matters. That's all I'm saying about it. And I'll keep volunteering with them because it's good for me and my community.

So I pottered around the library this morning. Then I pottered around the small shopping centre opposite. I got some of my shoes fixed, and had lunch at my favourite Cafe. Since I came home I've been relaxing.

I've just fed the cats and I'm outside with them. Next I need to get the washing of the line as the next few days are going to be extremely hot.

@Zoe7 @outlander @Shaz51 @Snowie

I hope your day has been alright.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

no judgement here @Sans911 Heart
sounds like an otherwise chilled out day

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

Hey @Sans911 Certainly not the day you expected but it seems you got some things done and had some time to yourself as well.


As for you being judged in any way for who you volunteer with - it would never have even crossed my mind. I used to give monthly to that same organisation until it came to the stage where I could not afford to do so anymore. The work they do is so important in the community. I know you didn't want any comments on that organisation but I do think the media has blown this way out of proportion. The people on the ground do need that money now but they also need it in the future to rebuild - especially if they don't have or alongside insurance. These things do unfortunately take time - rebuilding is not an overnight thing and we as a society (and organisations that have been donated to) have to ensure we are there in the longer term for all those affected as well as serving their immediate needs now.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I wasn't concerned about either of you being judgemental @Zoe7 or @outlander. It's more other people I don't know here so well.

And I agree with everything you say @Zoe7. Everything. The op shops are not only a business but they also have so purpose and importance for the volunteers. We've not been told when they will reopen as yet.

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I hope it is very soon @Sans911 because not does the closure affect those of you who volunteer and find so much purpose with doing that but those that need to buy from them are being affected ...this becomes a wider societal problem when access is being denied to low cost items for those that really need them and the funds that are poured into local communities is being affected. It actually makes me angry that whoever have made such threats are so single minded as to not consider the bigger implications - both with resourcing and with people like you that volunteer - disgusting!

Re: The Challenges of Mental Health Wellbeing

I hope the shops will reopen soon @Sans911 charities have alot of purpose for so many different people
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