Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Thank u soooo much u have just answered my extreme worry over whether to go with psychiatrist opinion and push my son into being assessed my crisis team! Even if it means calling ambulance to take him! Terrified about the idea myself wondering whether I will b hurting him or supporting him?
it's sooo hard sometimes to know whether ur doing or saying the right thing or not! My son does not talk to me at all not hi bye or anything? His in his room with lights off all the time without a sound! I wonder what he could b doing or thinking? if I try to talk to him he asks me to go away! We need intervention! Something needs to change! This is too much !

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

In the same boat with my son as well, I was told unless he hurts himself they can't help!
But m going thru crisis assessment team myself and my x husband r both taking him to the app m hoping with his dad being there will get him going!
Will c how we go!
Good luck to u all its like being stuck between a rock and the ground no matter which way u move ur stuck!
But if anything this makes us stronger and teaches us!
Don't give up something will change nothing stays the same! Who know wat tomoro brings:)

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

It is a very tricky situation and no case is the same, it took me a very long time to get help and get him commited to the mental health hospital. but now i am glad i did, he is still there, it has been nearly 2 months and i have no regret. it was a very big decision but we had to make sure it was the right mental health team and hospital before we made this step. the staff has been amazing (which i can not say with larger hosptials) but i am really happy with them and my son seems to be coping too. he is on meds and it made him calmer. not sure what will happen when he gets out, i thhink he is planning to take himself off meds again. but we have to take each day as it comes, it is impossible to make plans. we are just grateful for each day without major dramas/episodes which seem to be much less frequent these days. good luck to everyone. i feel for eeach and every carer/consumer as this is huge and lifechanging. hang in there! i wish we could all get together in person and give eachother hope !!!

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

HI, thanks for your post, i know how you feel, it has been such a tough journey. i wish i had some advise, i am tryng myself to navigate myself through the mental health system. but this time we got help from the local mental health team, they have been great (we moved to a much smaller community and they seem to care and have commited him to hospital because he was soooo unwell and they could see a bit of that though he was trying to hide it) but it was a life saver really! i dont know if i would still be alive if they had not interfered and taken him to hospital. the staff there is really caring, we are lucky to be in the right area. not sure what will happen when they discharge  him next week. but lets see and enjoy the moment of 'normality' while it lasts.... good luck !!! my heart goes out to each and every person who has mental health problems or caring for a loved one (especially their own child, it is just the hardest for a mother!!!) i have no tears left, i have cried so much and have regular break downs for every little thing, its just been too much!!!

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hi all

@Barbara @mia1 @Zam @astrengthinever @Barbara @Pamina @Cat64 @Diamond 

Just wanted to jump in and let you all know, being that is is Schizophrenia Awareness Week, we will be hosting a Topic Tuesday event in the Carers Forum discussing the myths and misconceptions of schizophrenia. It is scheduled for this evening Tuesday 24 May between 7pm – 9pm AEST. 

If anyone is interested, feel free to come along and join in the chatter! Hope to see you there 🙂

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Hello Barbara I thought I was the only one going through this pain in my life but now I see I'm not alone.I also have a 24yr old son whom I have gone through so so much with he is my first born and my biggest handful.My son was first diagnosed with ADD when he was 6 and was treated with several different ADD medicines not one of them ever did any good for him either they made him look like a zombie lacking sleep or a skeleton from lacking eating habits😞When I tell you it's been a life long struggle it seriously has been just that.Throughout my son's adolescent years and then teenage years stressful but then around the age of 19 things progressed out of control.My son's dad and myself tried everything possible to seek help for our son counseling, inpatient and outpatient treatment but nothing was helping because my son wouldn't allow doctors to get in his head to try to find what was really going on until 1 year ago we were able to get him involved in a study that was being done about people who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia this study was interesting for my son because the study involved getting paid money to basically sit in front of a computer for 2 hrs 3 times a week and talk about what he thought schizophrenia was and what caused it.Well needless to say that was a fail for my son because he never ended up going through with it.Since this day my son refuses any medical treatment and it any help from anybody.He is basically homeless and living in the street because he doesn't want to work, he has lived with myself and his other younger siblings but because of his condition he has made himself unbearable to live with so he had to be on his own😥My son has been in and out of shelters in and out of family homes and he has just about given up on trying to attempt immediate help for himself. Iam completely lost because I hate seeing my child in this situation but because of my other younger children I was out in a situation where I couldn't allow him to live in our home. My son is a good kind hearted person and I know deep down inside he wants a life for himself he just doesn't know how to have it😥

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

Dear @Irishoney72, thank you for your post, it made my cry because i feel your desperation in my heart, so sad to hear your story - it took me so long to reply to you because i am completely overwhelmed with everything and don't get 'me time'. it is so difficult and i wish we could support eachother and meet in person so we feel less alone. it is heartbreaking having a 'child' with such a debilitating mental illness, i never thought it could happen to our family and yet it is happening and we are struggling so much. i am so exhausted i have no words... i had to 'sacrifice' my other 2 younger kids and leave them in order to help my oldest who is soooo unwell and can not function at all. he has no friends, has no life, no joy, no purpose, no motivation, no help (except me but i will be useless soon because i am completely burnt out) i dont know what to say or do anymore, i have no emotions left inside me exept despair, i wish i could help others but i can not even help myself or my son. he is not getting any better but more the opposite - deteriorating each day, i am scared of the future. i tried very hard to give him hope and have hope myself but it is diminishing each passing day (i dont tell my son though), but we have to go on and keep going i guess, there is no other choice. for their sake. just keep going day by day. there might be brighter days ahead i dont know. i wish there was some inspiring and beautiful assisted accomodation in australia for people with a mental illness, with nice healing surroundings, nature, and nice staff who can look after them and 'consumers' (what a strange word) can keep eachother company so they dont feel so lost and lonely. but i guess it is only a dream i have. there is nothing like this in australia, only very basic accomodation but too hard to get into these, or hospitals but they are not nice places. so where is your son now? it must  be so devastating for you to see him so lost. i know - all they want is to have a normal life like everyone else and it is heartbreaking because they are trapped in such a difficult space/place mentally. i am sorry if i sound negative and sad, it just comes out (and excuse my english, it is not my first language) i wish you all the best and please know that you are not alone, i thought this for a long time until i joined 'sane forum' and a carers group (though i still think my son is worst than their son's) please keep in touch and let us know how you go. stay strong !!!

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

I am a mum of a 23 year old who was diagnosed with schizophrenia 4 years ago.
I haven done as well as you I ended up have a breakdown and severe anxiety attacks but have come through it all to be a stronger person and I choose only to look forward, I have learned so much from many ordeals and continue to support my son but have learnt to look after myself
I loved reading your story

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

I feel all of your pain I have a son 23 with schizophrenia, when we feel unable to cope with his overwhelming behaviour we take him to our local caring hospital, we have put my son on the injection once a month and his illusions etc have gone , I suggest trying this our son says he will do anything he tells us, when he is unwell as he has learnt that he is " out of control " we are in a good place ATM
I wish you love and blessings . You are a great mum x

Re: My son (24) has schizophrenia

hello @Barbara 

I wish too that mothers of children, adult children could find a way to meet and share sad and successful small achievements.

Just share, feel how much love and energy goes into our loved ones

My son has moved interstate so I dont have the struggle every day.

I do have the pain, have always carried pain for him since he was a little boy always known something different, never diagnosed until late last year.

the pain is like a constant burn, i just dont understand if there are so many suffering why there is not more help

what is wrong with these highly paid medical people? are they afraid to speak up?

i hope i have not upset you further, i hope that you have support