Senior Contributor

Doing Alright.

Hi all,


How are we all doing? I am personally doing OK. I hope that you're all trying to keep warm and safe.


I have a few updates on my life since I was last active on this site.


I recently received a diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder, with features of Borderline Personality Disorder, from my psychiatrist! Forensic Mental Health Services in my state should hang their heads in shame for diagnosing me incorrectly and creating a false narrative from that point onwards. I will be seeing my psychiatrist next week to collect the report that she has hopefully completed, so that my family and I can pass it on to an amazing NDIS provider that I have already been involved with. With that being said, my family, and the NDIS provider are going to help me apply for the NDIS, for a third time. Hopefully, I will get it this time. If I do, I will seek mental health assistance from. private psychiatrist, continue with my private counselling sessions, some accommodation, and develop my social skills by being part of this particular NDIS provider. 


I also recently quit adult school to focus on my mental health. I wish I could go back there next year, for my final year. I never completed Year 12; I dropped out of mainstream school in Year 11 due to facing ongoing and unresolved bullying. It sucked! If anyone has any great tips to combat bullying and harassment, please let me know in the comments section below. I have developed goals and dreams, and I have learned that NOBODY can take that away from me. Who taught me this? My grand-mother 🙂 I would love to complete my schooling at adult school, as this has been the best experience of my life. Also, I would love to explore more of Australia and to travel around the world. And finally? I'd go to University. 


I have also moved on from this man who I had feelings for. I decided that he is not worth pursuing, especially due to the fact that I learned that he has a girlfriend.


And finally, I am hoping to continue to mend the relationship that I have with my mum.


Re: Doing Alright.

Hey @JPEG1998 ,


I'm doing pretty good, thanks for asking. And thanks for the updates. I'm glad you have your diagnosis and are subsequently able to apply for the NDIS. Sounds like some good skill training awaits you. Good on you for having dreams and goals that no-one can take away!

Re: Doing Alright.

Well done, to move on with our lives we need our goals.


I am in my seventies and on the Spectrum with ADHD thrown in to make the whole decision making process harder. I have a couple of suggestions that I believe will help.


1. Try journaling to help focus on your goals and everyday struggles. What we think are insurmountable barriers today, can be bulked out by our own fears. Our journal, can show each small success we achieve, without exaggerating the times we stumble.

2. Today we have many paths to building our education qualifications. Try online or correspondence school to take peer bullying out of the equation.


That one small step at a time, will sometimes feel unobtainable, but you are not alone. Get help. Often, it’s asking for help that’s the most difficult achievement. Please remember that our little failures, are the stepping stones to success, as they build our resilience. In years to come, will it really matter how long we spent to achieve each step. 

Re: Doing Alright.

Hi @JPEG1998,

I am going well, thank you. It's easy to keep warm at night with 3 dogs on the bed, so I am lucky, haha.

I am glad to see you are doing ok and hope that you are also trying to keep warm and safe.

That sounds like it must've been such a relief to finally have a correct diagnosis after years of being misdiagnosed. If only mental health professionals could realise the seriousness of an incorrect diagnosis and treatment, not to mention the damage that it can cause people.

I hope that the NDIS provider can help you with your application, it sounds like you'll have a better shot at it this time around.

I was also bullied when I was younger, and it was a major cause for me to leave early before I finished Year 10, but I did end up going to TAFE to work on my Year 10 + 12 equivalents.

Perhaps it's worth speaking to one of their Career Counsellors ( about what your options could be. TAFE is such an inclusive and supportive training provider, no matter which state or territory you are in. And so many of their courses are online now too, if that's your preference.

I think the advice given by @jabart is wonderful, and I agree wholeheartedly. The fact that you have these goals and have a plan in mind for what you'd like to do moving forward is already a really big achievement, and you have shown just how resilient you are... And you should feel proud of that.

Good luck with everything! And looking forward to hearing from you,


Re: Doing Alright.

Hello @JPEG1998 , @defaultusername , @jabart , @Ainjoule and well done my friends 🧡 

I am doing OK, , thankyou 😊 

I have physical health issues and taking one day at a time here 

My husband has many different diagnosis and the latest one is ASD 

Love to hear from you all 

Re: Doing Alright.

Hi @Ainjoule ,


How are you going today/tonight?


Thank You for your comment 🙂

Re: Doing Alright.

Hey @JPEG1998 


I've had kind of a busy day, I had a meeting for the local consumer advisory committee and I had cognitive remediation therapy.


How about yourself? What have you been up to?

Re: Doing Alright.

Hi @jabart ,


How are you going today/tonight?


Oh wow - it's great to see someone in their seventies use the SANE forums! 😁 


1. I have given journaling a crack, and I found that it really helped me 'get everything out' on paper in a rational manner.


2. The bullying I faced occurred at mainstream school. I had since returned to school (a flexible adult school), but found that my autism was a barrier to gaining my Certificate of Education. There is ample support at the college, but I felt too overwhelmed with assignments and my personal life to actually stop for five minutes and ask for assistance. I really want to go back and prove to myself that I can do it, as it has always been a dream of mine to finish school. 


I love this statement that you made, 'please remember that our little failures, are the stepping stones to success, as they build our resilience. In years to come, will it really matter how long we spent to achieve each step.'


Thank You so much for your comment. It was highly appreciated 😊

Re: Doing Alright.

Hi @defaultusername ,


How are you going today/tonight?


Lucky you - three dogs is amazing! What kind are they? I have two cats and one of them likes to sleep on my bed. He is also great at keeping my toes warm. Lol 🤣


I saw my psychiatrist yesterday, and she confirmed that I actually do have schizophrenia, tied in with autism. So annoying! And it's a bit of an odd combination. I mean, don't get me wrong, my psychiatrist is a lovely and insightful person, but I honestly do not hear voices or see things that are not really there. I won't be debating that with her, as I know that the diagnoses I was given will help me get onto the NDIS.


I am very sorry to hear that you were bullied when you were younger. It's not a nice feeling, isn't it? Oh wow, that's amazing that you completed your Year 10 to 12 equivalents! I actually didn't know you could do that 🤔 Thank You for providing the link, I'll have a look at it and weigh up my study and career options.


There are days where I certainly don't feel so resilient! But Thank You so much for your kind words ❤️ 


Re: Doing Alright.

Hey @JPEG1998 @jabart ,


Great to hear some of the suggestions here!


Thanks for sharing. I hope it allows you to gain more insight into strategies that may work.


Hope your week runs smoothly.