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Farewell, amazing Forumites

Hey lovely Forumites! 


Well, this was never going to be easy. After almost three years here, Peregrinefalcon will be flying off into different skies 🐦

...In other words, I will be finishing up my (almost) three-year tenure here at SANE this week.


It has been such a privilege to be a part of this community over all this time. You are all such incredible people and it honestly warms my heart to think there are such lovely, caring, strong people like yourselves still out there in the world. An extra special shout out to our INCREDIBLE Community Guides who work tirelessly to make the Forums such a supportive, safe, welcoming space to be 💓


I wish I could give you all an in-person hug, but a virtual hug is the best we can do here in Forumsland! 


I won't be moving too far away - But, after many years of enforcing the anonymity guidelines, I had better not break it now! 


Thank you to everyone who makes this community what it is. I have learned so much from everyone here and am going to miss you all dearly. 


Before I go, though...: A final pterodactyl screech for @Fluttershy1! SqquuAARRkk squaarkk! (that is the best dinosaur impression I can do)


I wish you all nothing but joy and love 💓 




Take care of @FloatingFeather @hanami @tyme @amber22 @TideisTurning @Jynx @RiverSeal @Former-Member for me, too!! 😛😇


Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

Thank you for all your dedication, support and care on the Forums @Peregrinefalcon over the last (almost) three years. We are going to miss you so much but wish you all the best for the new chapter in your life. May your flight be smooth and your landing place bring you everything you wish for 🦅💗!

Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

@Peregrinefalcon You will be sorely missed! Cannot fathom forums without you but I know wherever you're off to next will be lucky to have you. 💜

Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

Thank you @Peregrinefalcon - for all your help over the last years, ima miss you alot, you meant everything to me. 

I enjoyed our chats and our forum convos, I wish you all the best with your future. Me and my system would like to say a big Thankyou for accepting us the way we needed to be treated. 

This is from Indi this little part - @Peregrinefalcon - I will miss you slots my cheeky monkey🙈


it sad to see you go but I’m hoping for you to enjoy your next job. 

always remember me as the pterodactyl ERK ERK 


I will miss our chats, 


im wishing you all the best!!!!!! 




heres my last pterodactyl to you 




all the best queen

Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

Aye it’s my fave @Jynx - I’m so sad to see @Peregrinefalcon @going. 

missed you though @Jynx


Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

Oh @Peregrinefalcon This is really sad for us to hear but I do hope your new role is everything you dream of. You are very much going to be missed and I personally cannot imagine the forums without you ....but better things are no doubt on the cards for you and for that I wish you all the best. Keep soaring and leaving your very special mark on this world 💖

Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

Oh I missed this and you are probably gone now @Peregrinefalcon  but wishing you all the very west on the next leg of your journey wherever it may take you, I’m sure you will do amazing things. Thanks so much for everything you did and bought to the forums, you have helped bring about positive things here. 

Re: Farewell, amazing Forumites

Oh nooooo! Such a loss to the forums @Peregrinefalcon ! I've only just seen this (Monday 17/04) so I've missed sending you my good wishes! But I hope your future is all you've dreamed with many, many good things 🙂

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