Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

@Bill16 @Gwynn and others online who may be interested in this live event on Rest @Former-Member @Captain24 @ChristineW @Freedom11 @Noor001  @creative_writer @Sistersupport  @pjc1965 @BPDFamilymember @Leeanne (please see initial post in this thread for more info)


Physical rest involves sleeping or relaxing, or otherwise nurturing our bodies e.g. through yoga or stretching. 


Is this something you think you get enough of? Is there anything you would like to have more of, or try if you haven’t yet done it? 



Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I feel like physical rest is a big work in progress in terms of working out how much feels sufficient for me, and how to make things like stretching somewhat habitual so that I do it regularly, or semi-regularly. I have managed regular walks though, on particular days, I go walking early.

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Some of my go-to forms of physical rest are just laying around on the couch or in bed. When I can, I like when I can get outdoors and enjoy a sense of nature, too - e.g. if I can set up a picnic rug in a park, or even in my back yard in the sun to lie down 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

@Gwynn @Bill16 and any others following along 


Mental rest involves having breaks from responsibilities, especially when we are feeling busy. It may also be needed when we just generally have a lot on our mind, or can’t stop thinking about something. 


Is mental rest something you think you might need some more of?  

Do you have any ideas on how you can give yourself some more of this?

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I like to do something which makes me think, but not about stressful things or things I am worried about. Something that occupies my brain in a fun way, like creating something like art or knitting, or playing a computer game 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

I like to call the kind of thing that leads to a need for mental rest ‘busy brain’, and it’s something that happens quite a lot for me. Interrupting that ‘busy brain’ in order to cultivate mental rest is hard! I find externalising what’s happening inside my head, by doing something like writing it down can help. Then, taking something of a ‘brain break’ like a walk where I’m mindfully/ intentionally counting something (like the amount of dogs I see) or taking a few deep breaths.  

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Nice @Jazzycat!

And @TideisTurning I like the idea of counting dogs, or intentionally looking for things you know that will make you happy 😊


Some ways I like to get a bit of mental rest include taking a temporary pause on life admin/responsibilities where I can, and focusing on forms of self care that I need. Also taking breaks from social media, especially when the feeds are dealing with intense things like upsetting news 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

@Bill16 @Gwynn @Jazzycat 


Social rest involves having breaks from socialising with others, or engaging more selectively with the people we’re with- e.g. engaging more with supportive and comfortable relationships and pulling back from any that might be causing strain.  


Is this something you think you might need, at times? If so, what does that look like for you? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

Absolutely @Jazzycat. That kind of low-stress brain engagement makes me think of something like Masked Singer on TV, which can be putting puzzle pieces together based on given clues to figure out the identity of someone well-known, but with absolutely no pressure!

Re: Topic Tuesday // The Different Types of Rest We Need // Tues 30th August 2022, 7-8:30PM AEST

In terms of social rest, I really like the idea of ‘selective engagement’, and I feel like it’s an important necessity for me at times. Especially because of how much of a natural giver I can be, I need to make sure I engage with others who also give back to me, as opposed to people who primarily ‘take’. For me, this can look like planning contact with one of those fellow/ reciprocal ‘givers’ in my life following engagement with someone who may be more of a taker, or otherwise limiting engagement with those ‘takers’ at certain times, such as when I’m feeling a little low.